ApacheCon NA 2011

Bruce Snyder

Bruce Snyder is a veteran of enterprise software development and open source software. With over 15 years of experience, Bruce has fulfilled roles around not only software research and development but also software consulting using a wide range of technologies including Java EE, enterprise messaging and integration, service-oriented architecture and event-driven architecture. Bruce is a senior software engineer at SpringSource/VMware, a member of the Apache Software Foundation and a committer on numerous Apache projects. He is not only a published author of books on ActiveMQ, the Spring Framework, Maven and Geronimo, he is also a recognized international speaker at software conferences around the world and has helped to build communities around open source software. Bruce lives in beautiful Boulder, Colorado with his family where he enjoys cycling, hiking, running and anything outdoors.

ActiveMQ In Action: Common Problems and Solutions
November 10 4:00PM
Why does ActiveMQ just stop sending messages and hang? What's the best
way to build a JMS consumer and producer? What configuration should I
use for connection pooling? How can I query ActiveMQ for the message I
need? Should I cluster ActiveMQ or group clients across brokers? If
you use ActiveMQ, chances are you have run into some questions that
are easily answered with a little knowledge. This session examines the
top five questions from developers using ActiveMQ.

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