ApacheCon NA 2011

Doreen Seider

Doreen Seider is the deputy head of the Department for Distributed Systems and Component Software of the German Aerospace Center’s (DLR) Simulation and Software Technology division (http://www.dlr.de/sc). She leads the development of the OSGi-based open source software integration framework RCE (Remote Component Environment). In 2010 she worked several month at the Argonne National Laboratory on the Web services platform Crux. In the last years she talked at different conferences like Super Computing, JAX London, ApacheCon about topics concerning modularization with OSGi or Open Source software in aerospace fields.

Using OSGi to Build Better Software: Lessons from a Telemedicine Software for Smartphones and Desktop Systems
November 11 3:30PM
OSGi brings benefits to Java applications and can even enable software to meet specified requirements. The talk will show how we applied OSGi to develop a telemedicine software for smartphones and desktop systems. This software captures vital signs from medical devices of patients via Bluetooth and sends them to medical expert centers. With this real-world example the talk will illustrate how we used dependency injection with OSGi Declarative Services (DS) to build an easy-to-use plugin and registry mechanism. It will demonstrate how we used the modularity of OSGi to have different deployments for different platforms without rewriting all of the code or how we used loose coupling between components via services to abstract hardware layers like Bluetooth.
In this context the talk will also introduce in general the development of OSGi applications for smartphones using an OSGi stack for mobile systems and the appropriate development environment called mBS mobile. Problems we encountered during development on the different mobile systems will be described. In this context the talk will also introduce in general the development of OSGi applications for smartphones using an OSGi stack for mobile systems and the appropriate development environment called mBS mobile. Problems we encountered during development on the different mobile systems will also be described.

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