ApacheCon NA 2011

Daniel Kulp

Daniel Kulp is the PMC Chair of the Apapche CXF project as well as a PMC Member of Apache Aries, Apache Maven, and Apache WebServices. He attended Northeastern University in Boston where he received degrees in Chemical Engineering and Computer Science. As the VP of Open Source Development for the Application Integration Divison at Talend, Dan gets to practice his passion for coding open source at work, and still has time to dedicate to his loving family.

Security Problems (and Solutions) for Service Oriented Applications
November 10 5:00PM
One important aspect of Service Oriented Architecture that is often challenging to address and implement is Security. Providing robust and scalable security solutions throughout highly distributed applications is a difficult problem to solve. For traditional WebServices, standards like WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation, and WS-SecurityPolicy have emerged to ease some of those problems. However, those standards don't always provide the best solutions for modern distributed applications that may include REST based services in addition to traditional SOAP based applications.

This session will cover various options for providing security to your services and will demonstrate how Apache projects such as CXF, WSS4J, Camel, and Karaf can work together to provide a complete security solution.

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