ApacheCon NA 2011

Bryan Call

Bryan Call has been writing code and working with on large scale solutions for 14 years. He has experience optimizing and profiling projects, including Apache Traffic Server and many internal projects at Yahoo!. He came to Yahoo! through an acquisition of a startup and have been working at Yahoo! for the last 12 years. He has worked on various products and teams, such as WebRing, GeoCities, People Search, Yahoo! Personal, Tiger Team (internal consulting team), Architect in the Platform Group, and is now an Architect in the Edge Platform group. Bryan is also a commiter on the Apache Traffic Server project and instrumental in bring Traffic Server to the Apache Foundation.

Opening Sourcing Commercial Software - Apache Traffic Server
November 9 2:30PM
When a company decides to open source software there are a lot of details to consider. There are security concerns, software license issues, patent ownership issues, trade mark ownership, existing software contracts, and possibility meeting the requirements of organizations like the Apache Foundation.

I will talk about how we handled each of these issues when open sourcing Traffic Server and why we chose to open source our code with the Apache Foundation. I will talk about the pros and cons of open sourcing and as a company what we did well and didn't do well.

Open sourcing was beneficial to the Traffic Server project. As a company it is important to know how to help a foster a community and benefit from the open source development process.

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