ApacheCon NA 2011

Erik Hatcher

Erik Hatcher is an Apache Software Foundation member, and an active committer on the Lucene and Solr projects. Erik has co-authored the award-winning book Java Development with Ant (Manning) and the well reviewed Lucene in Action (Manning). Erik has spoken frequently at industry conferences, including JavaOne, ApacheCon, OSCON, and the No Fluff, Just Stuff symposium circuit. Erik co-founded Lucid Imagination, a full-service Lucene/Solr support company.

Solr Flair
November 9 4:00PM
Show off the power of Apache Solr with state of the art user interfaces and interactions. Solr Flair demonstrates live systems leveraging Ajax suggest, “instant” search and preview, did you mean?, spell checking, faceting, filtering, grouping, and clustering. We’ll see how to generate charts, maps, and timelines from Solr indexed data. Each example will be presented with the complete code, configuration, and user interface elements.

Two Day -- Solr Developers Workshop
November 7 10:00AM
Solr Developers Workshop brings developers up to speed with the necessities of working with Apache Solr, the fast, scalable, feature- rich Lucene search server. First we’ll cover the various ways to bring data into Solr, including CSV, XML/JSON, relational databases, rich documents (such as Word, PDF, HTML, etc). We’ll then explore Solr’s capabilities and features: faceting, spell checking / suggest, highlighting, grouping / clustering, and more. Next, we’ll delve into integrating Solr into your environments, such as PHP, JSP, Ajax/JSON, and Rails. We will conclude with production deployment considerations and best practices for relevancy tuning, scalability, and performance. Half-day workshops will be primarily lecture-style to sufficiently cover the necessary material.

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