ApacheCon NA 2011

Paolo Castagna

I am a committer for the Apache Jena project, currently in incubation. I am a software engineer at Talis Systems Ltd. Previously, I worked at HP Labs where I begun my sorcerer's apprenticeship on Jena. At Talis I work in the team who develops the Talis Platform to host and publish RDF data via REST APIs, as Linked Data and SPARQL endpoints.

Handling RDF data with Apache Jena
November 10 5:00PM
Apache Jena, currently in incubation, is a Java framework for building semantic web applications. It provides developers with a library to handle RDF, RDFS, RDFa, OWL and SPARQL in line with the relevant W3C recommendations.

Jena has been developed by researchers at HP Labs, Bristol (UK) starting back in 2000. It has been an open source project since its beginning and it is extensively used within the semantic web community.

This talk introduces the fundamentals of the RDF data model and SPARQL query language as well as the basic usage patterns of Jena: how to parse and write data in RDF format, how to store it using TDB, Jena's native RDF database, querying with SPARQL using ARQ and how to integrate free text searches with SPARQL using Apache Lucene or Solr.

At Talis we use Apache Jena, in particular TDB, ARQ, LARQ and Apache Hadoop in our ingestion pipeline, as well as many other open source projects, to process RDF data, store it, implement our services and APIs.

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