ApacheCon NA 2011

Chris Hostetter

Chris Hostetter is a Member of the Apache Software Foundation, and serves on the Lucene Project Management Committee. Prior to joining Lucid Imagination in 2010 to work full time on Solr development, he spent 11 years as a Principal Software Engineer for CNET Networks thinking about searching "structured data" that was never as structured as it should have been.

Apache Solr: Out Of The Box
November 9 2:30PM
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. In this session we will see how quick and easy it can be to install and configure Solr to provide full-text searching of structured data without needing to write any custom code. We will demonstrate various built-in features such as: loading data from CSV files, tolerant parsing of user input, faceted searching, highlighting matched text in results, and retrieving search results in a variety of formats (XML, JSON, etc....) We will also look at using Solr's Administrative interface to understand how different text analysis configuration options affect our results, and why various results score the way they do against different searches.

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