ApacheCon NA 2011 Activity http://na11.apachecon.com/ Missed a session? Audiocasts available! Head over to <a href="http://feathercast.org/">FeatherCast</a>, where some amazing volunteers are posting audio recordings of all(?) sessions at this year's ApacheCon! Session audio is being posted during the day of most sessions as they're available, so check it out, and catch those other two talks you really wanted to attend during the day. Thanks to Rich, Cliff, and the other volunteers who've provided this great archive. 2011-11-10 14:06:22 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33464206 Looking for session/presentation slides? We're working on getting these online as soon as we can. They'll be posted onto Lanyrd at the end of the event; we may drop a few in before then. Thanks in advance for your patience if your favorite session's slide deck isn't online yet -- it will be. 2011-11-09 23:06:11 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33419047 Relax at ApacheCon - get a massage during your break! Stressed at ApacheCon? Of course not - you're among friends, and there are plenty of people with an Ask Me! button to help. But if travel stress is still with you, or your hands are getting tired from your keyboard, then come by registration desk outside the expo area to get a massage from experts from the hotel's Vida Spa! Michael and Vita will be available for a quick back or hand massage during select breaks at ApacheCon: <b>Wednesday, November 9</b> 7:30AM-8:45 AM (Break) Michael and Vita 10:30-11:00 AM (Break) Michael and Vita 12:00-1:30 PM (Lunch) Michael and Vita <b>Thursday, November 10</b> 8:30-10:00 AM (Break) Michae and Vita 11:00-11:30 AM (Break) Michael 12:20-1:30 PM (lunch) Michael and Vita <b>Friday, November 11</b> 11:00-11:30 AM (Break) Vita Narbutiene 12:20-1:30 PM (Lunch) Vita Narbutiene 2011-11-09 11:09:05 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33389573 Consider contributing to the Web of Trust -- join the PGP Keysigning! The PGP Keysigning is taking place at 7PM during the Welcome Reception on Wednesday 9 November. To participate, <a href="http://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/PgpKeySigning"><b>submit your PGP key by NOON PT today</b></a> -- we'll see you there!! 2011-11-09 09:33:26 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33385963 You're helping create ApacheCon Memories! Be sure to tag your tweets, photos, SMS texts, and blog posts with the #ApacheCon hashtag -- your contributions will be integrated into the ApacheCon Memories image mosaics created interactively live throughout the conference! Check out the just-launched <a href="http://memories.apachecon.com/">ApacheCon Memories</a> at http://memories.apachecon.com/ --all built using a variety of Apache technologies. 2011-11-09 05:40:23 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33380947 Shane Curcuru on Post: Signup for Meetups! Tues, Wed, Thu nights Sure, but where is the link to this year's meetup? I couldn't find one anywhere - I'll be happy to update it if someone can post or email to me. 2011-11-08 16:10:17 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33235930 Signup for Meetups! Tues, Wed, Thu nights ApacheCon doesn't stop after our main sessions are done - there are plenty of afterhours activities. Stick around after the early evening activities and signup to attend some Meetups at 8pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Remember: Meetups are free, even for non-conference attendees. Click through to each individual Meetup page to register your interest and to see their agendas. <ul> <li><a href="http://na11.apachecon.com/talks/23663">Tuesday Meetups:</a> OpenOffice, Traffic Server, Big Top</li> <li><a href="http://na11.apachecon.com/talks/23665">Wednesday Meetups:</a> Rave, Lucene/Solr, Axis2, Callback, Branding</li> <li><a href="http://na11.apachecon.com/talks/23668">Thursday Meetups:</a> Hadoop, Cassandra, Chemistry, Tomcat, HTTPD</li> </ul> Key tip: signin to your CrowdVine account by using the Connect link in the navbar above, and add each of the Meetup sessions to your own personalized schedule. 2011-11-07 13:55:13 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33235930 Nelson Marcos de Almeida on Post: Signup for Meetups! Tues, Wed, Thu nights Hi Guys! Can someone update the infos in the TrafficServer wiki? Right now it points to the meeting of 2009. https://cwiki.apache.org/TS/trafficserver-meetup.html Regards, NM 2011-11-08 15:41:37 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33235930 BarCamp Apache today: Salon A & C schedule for Tuesday <b>Salon A:</b> 10:30 The Apache Way 11:00 Messaging, Email, Jabber, SIP 11:30 How to get started to contribute in Apache & Why 12:00 What happens when someone nips your topic in BarCamp 12:30 LUNCH: Lunchwalk with Bruce @1pm 13:30 Versioning/Modularity, Java8, OSGi, Maven 14:00 OpenOffice & ODF Toolkit 14:30 OAuth, OpenID, UIMA 15:00 MapReduce Exchange Experience 15:30 Rave (incubating) 16:00 Microsoft and Hadoop 16:30 Build your own Hadoop distro <b>Salon C:</b> 11:00 Packaging ASF 4 Debian 12:00 Apache Incubator / Labs and their Relevance 12:30 LUNCH - Lunch Walk with Bruce @ 1pm 13:30 - open slot 14:00 WebSockets 14:30 Gidgets 15:00 Apache CMS: moving project websites (Zoe) 15:30 Vancouver tips 16:00 Event Loops 16:30 How to organize an Apache Event Stop by the Salons and hit some BarCamps instead of spending the whole day in the hackathon room. Yes, you know who you are. 2011-11-08 11:06:02 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33320293 Shane Curcuru on Post: Signup for Meetups! Tues, Wed, Thu nights Hey! Remember that the first meetups for OpenOffice, TrafficServer, and BigTop are tonight, Tuesday night. They show up on the Trainings schedule, so be sure to add them to your CrowdVine / Connect schedule by <a href="http://na11.apachecon.com/talks/23663">clicking through to the session block here</a>! 2011-11-08 08:35:37 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33235930 Sunday Dinner? For those of you who've arrived already, who fancies a spot of dinner tonight? It looks like Denman Street (almost at the end of our road) has plenty of good places to eat on it, do people want to meet in the hotel lobby at 7.30pm to go and find somewhere? 2011-11-06 17:14:25 -0800 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/33179826 Fast Feather Track - Do you have something new/exciting to talk about? This year we'll again be running a Fast Feather Track at ApacheCon. For those who are new to the idea, the Fast Feather Track is were we give people a chance to present a 20 minute talk on something new / exciting / fun. It's a wonderful chance to spread the word about new incubating projects, new features coming out of existing projects, or new tools and technologies which make developing ASF projects easier! If you're interested in giving a 20 minute talk about your project or idea, then we're looking for talk submissions! Signup is currently open, and we'll announce the accepted talks a little nearer the conference. So, sign up now! The signup is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_GB&formkey=dDR5ZEN0amFzZGVGdHVnQWpuSWM0bGc6MQ#gid=0 2011-10-03 09:47:03 -0700 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/30743785 Nick Burch on Post: Fast Feather Track - Do you have something new/exciting to talk about? We're about to start posting the schedule, and we have some excellent talks in the track! We've opted to leave one slot free though for now, which we'll be filling on Monday morning with the best submission from over the weekend. If you'd like to talk about something new / interesting / innovative / exciting, and you've not yet submitted, send it in via http://s.apache.org/FastFeather2011 and we'll take the best on Monday! 2011-11-03 10:24:00 -0700 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/30743785 Two BarCamps at ApacheCon! Tuesday + Saturday In addition to the regular scheduled conference, this year at ApacheCon we've also got two BarCamps happening. These are on the Tuesday and Saturday, either side of the main conference. The first BarCamp is taking place on Tuesday 8th, in the conference venue, the day before the main conference starts. The event kicks off at 10am, and you don't need to pre-register. Simply come along to the Bayshore Grand Ballroom on the main floor and sign up. Everyone is welcome! The second BarCamp is on Saturday 12th, the day after the Conference. This is taking place at The Hive, a short distance from the conference hotel. It's an all day event, but you'll need to sign up in advance if you'd like to come! Details and signup at http://apachecamp.eventbrite.com/ Details on all the BarCamps, and the other events are at http://na11.apachecon.com/pages/special_events 2011-11-02 21:05:10 -0700 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/32885163 New BOF Announced: WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Alpha Overview Announcing new Birds of a Feather session: Thursday 10 November 7PM/MacKenzie Room (1st Floor). This session will look at how the WebSphere Application Server is evolving to address the requirements of Developers. Developers need a lightweight WebSphere execution environment - in Eclipse - whose configuration is simple to edit, version and share, whose footprint is closely tailored to the application's needs, and whose execution behaviour has high fidelity to the target production system. The WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Alpha delivers a simplified and lightweight runtime for web applications. Incredibly fast restart times coupled with its small size and ease of use make V8.5 a great option for Developers building web applications that don't require the full JEE environment of traditional enterprise application server profiles. This session focuses on new improvements in the Developer Experience for web applications and demonstrates how these dramatically simplify the edit-compile-debug cycle to improve developer productivity and reduce time to value. Target audience: Developers, Administrators, Deployers, and Infrastructure Architects 2011-10-31 12:53:10 -0700 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/32726152 Sally Khudairi on Post: The Foodie Dinner is ON! UPDATE: we will be dining at the award-winning, staunchly sustainable C Restaurant. We'll have a set, 5 course menu featuring 100-mile/farm-to-table/ocean-wise scallops, sablefish, ribeye, cheeses, sweets, and more. Champagne and canapes are on me. We're halfway booked, so feel free to sign up in the "comments" or drop me a note at sk@apache.org for more info. 2011-10-26 18:56:14 -0700 http://na11.apachecon.com/posts/32154767