ApacheCon NA 2011

ApacheCon 2011 Justification Letter

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To: <name of your supervisor>

Re: Request to attend ApacheCon 2011 Conference

I would like to attend ApacheCon, 7-11 November in Vancouver, BC, Canada. This the official conference of The Apache Software Foundation, consisting of 2-days of pre-conference trainings (Apache Hackathon and BarCamp run concurrently), followed by a three-day conference and expo.

This event was created to explore key issues in using/developing Open Source solutions "The Apache Way", and is aimed at developers, software architects, evangelists, community managers and more. This year's focus is “Open Source Enterprise Solutions, Cloud Computing, and Community Leadership”.

ApacheCon presentations detail specific industry challenges and real-world solutions, and provide the must-know tips, techniques, and trends needed to stay ahead in this rapidly changing field.

Some the sessions I am interested in attending include <list 7-9 of the sessions you'll be attending from the following tracks as appropriate – session details are at http://na11.apachecon.com/tag/main>:

  • Apache in Space!
  • Business and Community
  • Content Technologies
  • Data Handling (Big Data and Analytics)
  • Enterprise and Modular Java
  • Infrastructure and DevOps
  • Innovation and Emerging Technologies

Reviewing the conference website, I am also interested in attending the <name of sessions at http://na11.apachecon.com/tag/training> trainings to gain first-hand insight on successfully developing and deploying Apache solutions critical to our business. For more details, please check out the conference program at http://apachecon.com/

ApacheCon presenters and faculty include representatives from Adobe, Akamai, Cloudera, Hippo, Hortonworks, IBM, LinkedIn, Lucid Imagination, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Nokia, Nuxeo, Red Hat, Sakai, SpringSource/VMWare, Talend, Talis, WSO2, Yahoo, and more.

Based on the fees detailed below, the cost to attend is approximately $<total based on below>:

– Airfare: <as applicable>

– Conference Registration $1,650.

– Trainings (if applicable): <starting from $450; price list at http://na11.apachecon.com/pages/pricing_schedule>

– Hotel (number of nights x $199/night through 21 October) $ <plus 16.5% tax>

I am seeking sponsorship for the above items, plus ground transportation and cost of meals during the conference. Lunch, coffee breaks, and refreshments will be provided during the three days of the conference. If necessary, I am willing to share a hotel room with one of the conference participants to reduce accommodation expenses.

As it's important to maximize our investment, I think it’s critical for us to learn from other successful users, and therefore plan to network as much as possible during the event. Hundreds of participants are anticipated to attend, including Apache Members and Committers, fellow attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and developers and users from the global Open Source community. I look forward to the chance to learn from their experiences and bring back this insight to our organization.

I am happy to present a full post-conference summary that includes major takeaways, people contacted, and a set of recommended actions to maximize our current investment in Apache-based solutions.

Thank you in advance for considering my request. I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

<your name>


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