SKey($o_uri->get('SID')); $o_event = $o_db->event($o_uri->get('event')); $ename = $o_event->get('name'); $eid = $o_event->get('event'); $etheme = $o_event->get('theme'); $o_theme = $o_event->theme(); $elocation = $o_event->get('location'); $ecountry = $o_event->get('country'); $evenue = $o_event->get('venue'); $evenue_url = $o_event->get('venue_url'); $edateline = $o_event->get('dateline'); $elogo_large = $o_event->get('logo_large'); $etheme_image = $o_event->get('theme_image'); $etheme_image_x = $o_event->get('theme_image_width'); $etheme_image_y = $o_event->get('theme_image_height'); $eroot = $o_event->get('root'); $edocroot = $o_event->get('docroot'); $o_dtime = new rlib_Date(); $o_dtime->parse($o_event->get('cfp_open')); $ecfp_open = $o_dtime->as_localtime(); $o_dtime->parse($o_event->get('cfp_close')); $ecfp_close = $o_dtime->as_localtime(); $o_dtime->parse($o_event->get('begin')); $ebegin = $o_dtime->as_localtime(); $o_dtime->parse($o_event->get('end')); $eend = $o_dtime->as_localtime(); $o_dtime->parse($o_event->get('schedule_ready')); $eschedule_ready = $o_dtime->as_localtime(); print '\n" . "\n" . " \n" . ' ' . HTMLentities($ename) . "\n"; $a_styles = $o_theme->elements(array('type' => 'stylesheet')); foreach ($a_styles as $o_style) { print ' \n"; } print " \n" . " \n"; print "
\n"; if ($etheme_image) { print " \n"; } print " \n"; print "
\n" . ' ' . HTMLentities($evenue) . "\n" . ' ' . "
\n" . ' ' . HTMLentities($elocation) . "\n" . ' ' . HTMLentities($ecountry) . "\n" . ' ' . "
\n" . ' ' . HTMLentities($edateline) . "\n" . "
\n"; print ' ' . '' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . '' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . '' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . '' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . '' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . '' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . '' . '' . "\n"; print "
\n"; // // // < ?= $ename; ? > // // insert_head(); // ?>

TravelRegistryExpoSessionsSpeakersSponsorsSpecial Events

$evenue"; } if ($venue) { $venue .= "\n
\n"; } print "

" . HTMLentities($ename) . "

\n" . "

\n" . "" . $venue . HTMLentities($elocation . ", " . $ecountry) . "\n" . "
\n" . "" . HTMLentities($edateline) . "\n" . "

\n"; ?>
page_texts(array('page' => '/index.html', 'visible' => 1)); print "\n"; foreach ($a_notes as $o_ptext) { print $o_ptext->get('note', true); } ?>

For upcoming event information, please send a blank email message to <announce-subscribe@ApacheCon.Com> to be added to the ApacheCon notification list.

\n" . "get('theme_image_width') . "\" " . "height=\"" . $o_event->get('theme_image_height') . "\" " . "align=\"top\">\n"; } ?>