ApacheCon US 2008 Speaker

Dirk-Willem van Gulik

Dirk-Willem van Gulik has been President of the Apache Software Foundation and Board Member during the first 7 years of its existence. He spent the past 20 years on Internet engineering, consulting and projects management, and has worked for the JRC, the United Nations, telecommunications firms and several satellite and space agencies. He participated in different international standards bodies, such as the IETF, and on metadata, GIS and Internet standards. He helped build Covalent - one of the first companies supporting Apache commercially; and Dirk-Willem is one of the founders of www.asemantics.com, a leader in Enterprise Information. He then helped found Joost.com - and as their CTO built the first two generations of their products. He currently is the Chief Techincal Architect at the BBC Public Service - helping the Future Media and Technology group build new internet technology platforms.