ApacheCon US 2008 Speaker

Ben Ramsey


Ben Ramsey is a Software Architect at Schematic, where, with over ten years of Web development experience, he is a leader in the Open Source Platforms Group, designing and developing quality software, setting and enforcing best practices, and training and mentoring software developers. Ben is also a leader in the PHP community. He founded and organizes the Atlanta PHP user group, is the founder of the PHP Groups user group network, is a founding principal of the PHP Security Consortium, and is an original member of the PHPCommunity.org project, which lives on today as the #phpc IRC channel. Ben also speaks at industry conferences around the world. Putting his B.A. in English to good use, Ben has written numerous articles for php|architect, International PHP Magazine, and Zend Developer Zone and has lent his writing talents to several books, including php|architect's Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide (php|architect) and PHP 5 Unleashed (Sams).