ApacheCon US 2008 Speaker

Brian Fitzpatrick

Brian Fitzpatrick started his career at Google in 2005 as the first software engineer hired in the Chicago office. Brian leads Google's Chicago engineering efforts and also serves as engineering manager for Google Code and internal advisor for Google's open source efforts. Prior to joining Google, Brian was a senior software engineer on the version control team at CollabNet, working on Subversion, cvs2svn, and CVS. He has also worked at Apple Computer as a senior engineer in their professional services division, developing both client and web applications for Apple's largest corporate customers. Brian has been an active open source contributor for over ten years. He became a core Subversion developer in 2000, and then the lead developer of the cvs2svn utility. He was nominated as a member of the Apache Software Foundation in 2002 and spent two years as the ASF's VP of Public Relations. Brian has written numerous articles and given many presentations on a wide variety of subjects from version control to software development, including co-writing "Version Control with Subversion" as well as chapters for "Unix in a Nutshell" and "Linux in a Nutshell." Personal information can be found at http://www.red-bean.com/fitz/