ApacheCon US 2008 Session

Don't know Jack about Object Relational Mapping?

You don't know Jack about Object Relational Mapping. So why are you considering using it? Keeping up with the Joneses? There's a great community or two out there, and who doesn't need another community? It can cure cancer and leprosy, but you don't have cancer or leprosy... yet. You already know that modern applications are built using two very different technologies: Object-oriented programming for business logic, and relational databases for data storage. Object-oriented programming is a key technology for implementing complex systems, providing benefits of reusability, robustness, and maintainability. Relational databases provide data independence as repositories for persistent data. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a bridge between the two that allows applications to access relational data in an object-oriented way. But ORM has a learning curve, just like any technology that tries to make complex programming issues simple. And if it takes longer to master the technology than it would have taken to build your own solution, is your c.v. the only thing getting better? With the answers to five easy questions, you can determine whether ORM is right for you, with a 93.5pct chance of success. Guaranteed.