ApacheCon US 2008 Session

Portlet Development using the new JSR-286 (Portlet v2) API

As web applications move into a SOA environment, which is characterized by building applications from Web service components, many find that they are also building their Web UIs using a similar component model. Built from the on-screen assembly of Portlet components, Portals provide for the standardized delivery of aggregated, personalized, content. JSR-286 is is the successor standard to JSR-168: the standard Portlet API for Java developers. This session will include coverage of the Portlet API, including new features in JSR-286, such as Events, Resource Serving, Portlet Filters, etc., in an interactive, hands-on, fashion. Note: This tutorial will be an interactive tutorial. Attendees should bring a laptop with either USB or CD-ROM support, and be prepared to develop Portlet code throughout the course of the workshop.