Wednesday, 05 Nov 2008

  System Administration
T1: Napoleon A2 & A3
Business of Open Source
T2: Napoleon D2 & D3
Developer: Java Frameworks
T3: Oak Alley (4th)
Developer: Search
T4: Nottoway (4th)
OFBiz Symposium
T5: Maurepas (OFBiz)
09:00 Opening Plenary & State of the Feather

Shane Curcuru
Opening Plenary & State of the Feather

Shane Curcuru
Opening Plenary & State of the Feather

Shane Curcuru
Opening Plenary & State of the Feather

Shane Curcuru
Opening Plenary & State of the Feather

Shane Curcuru
09:30 Keynote - Learning from Apache to create Open Specifications

David Recordon
Keynote - Learning from Apache to create Open Specifications

David Recordon
Keynote - Learning from Apache to create Open Specifications

David Recordon
Keynote - Learning from Apache to create Open Specifications

David Recordon
Keynote - Learning from Apache to create Open Specifications

David Recordon
10:30 Scaling Apache 2.x in all dimensions

Colm MacCarthaigh
Panel: The Business of Open Source - Power, Prestige, and Propulsion

Sally Khudairi
Building a custom Apache Jetspeed-2 Enterprise Portal: features, status and road map

Ate Douma
Advanced Indexing Techniques with Apache Lucene

Michael Busch
Room 4 - Panel: The Business of Open Source - Power, Prestige, and Propulsion

Sally Khudairi
11:30 Building scalable web applications and clusters

Brian Moon
Adoption-Led - a rather obvious way of talking about open source

Simon Phipps
Using Portlet API 2.0 (JSR-286)

Ate Douma
Lucene Case Studies

Erik Hatcher
I selected OFBiz for my company, how do I start?

Hans Bakker
14:00 Top 10 Scalability Mistakes

John Coggeshall
What does enterprise-ready open source really mean?

Paul Holland
Rapid JCR applications development with Sling

Bertrand Delacretaz
Apache Solr: Out of the Box

Chris Hostetter
Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Using a Holistic Analysis and Design Approach to Avoid Hanging Your Open Source Based Application Project

David E. Jones
15:00 Perlformance: The Art and Science of Tuning a Large Perl Application

Geoffrey Young
Sailing Corporate Waters - Apache as Market Disruptor

Dirk-Willem van Gulik
The Struts 2 Framework

Scott Stanlick
Introducing Mahout: Apache Machine Learning

Grant Ingersoll
Experiences with Real World OFBiz Projects

Olivier Heintz
16:00 Break





16:30 Apache Projects on DTrace

Theo Schlossnagle
Making Sense of Open Source Licenses

J Aaron Farr
Enterprise Applications with JavaServer Faces, Spring, and JPA

Kito Mann
Apache Solr: Beyond the Box

Chris Hostetter
Building a Service Business on an Open Source Foundation

Mike Bates
17:30 Advanced Reverse Proxy Load Balancing in Apache HTTP Server 2.2

Jim Jagielski
Tales from the field: Impressions from 5 years of studying Apache(con)

Kevin Crowston
Wicket In Action

Martijn Dashorst
Content analysis for ECM with Apache Tika

Paolo Mottadelli
ERP trends, OFBiz position and India Outsourcing

Amit Shinde

Thursday, 06 Nov 2008

  SysAdmin: Security
T1: Napoleon A2 & A3
Business/Community: Community Studies
T2: Napoleon D2 & D3
Developer: Hadoop And Databases
T3: Borgne/Oak Alley (4th)
Developer: Tools & Builds
T4: Nottoway (4th)
OFBiz Symposium
T5: Maurepas (OFBiz)
09:00 Hardening Enterprise Apache Installations Against Attacks

Sander Temme
Open Source Collaboration Tools are Good For You!

Bertrand Delacretaz
Introduction to Hadoop

Owen O'Malley
More Apache Maven Best Practices

Brett Porter
Intuitive interfaces for complex e-commerce (Web 2.0 UIs for dynamic products with complex sub-assemblies)

Ean Schuessler
10:00 Web Intrusion Detection with ModSecurity

Ivan Ristic
Great Code comes from Great Community: Meritocracy in Action

Chris J. Davis
A Tour of Apache Hadoop

Tom White
Q4E and Eclipse IAM, Maven integration for Eclipse

Carlos Sanchez
Framework Release Post-Mortem, Future Release Direction

David E. Jones
11:00 Break





11:30 Keynote - Standing on the shoulders of giants

Shahani Markus Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Keynote - Standing on the shoulders of giants

Shahani Markus Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Keynote - Standing on the shoulders of giants

Shahani Markus Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Keynote - Standing on the shoulders of giants

Shahani Markus Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Keynote - Standing on the shoulders of giants

Shahani Markus Weerawarana, Ph.D.
12:30 Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: Behind the Scenes of the ASF | Sponsored by HotWax Media

Lars Eilebrecht
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: Behind the Scenes of the ASF | Sponsored by HotWax Media

Lars Eilebrecht
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: Behind the Scenes of the ASF | Sponsored by HotWax Media

Lars Eilebrecht
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: Behind the Scenes of the ASF | Sponsored by HotWax Media

Lars Eilebrecht
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: Behind the Scenes of the ASF | Sponsored by HotWax Media

Lars Eilebrecht
14:00 (In)secure Ajax and Web 2.0 Web Sites

Christian Wenz
Guide to Successful Graduation at the ASF

Martijn Dashorst
Programming Hadoop Map-Reduce

Arun Murthy
Getting your Content to the Web in 10 Minutes with Apache Sling

Carsten Ziegeler
Automating your OFBiz Application Testing using Selenium

Brett Palmer
15:00 Geronimo Security, now and in the future

David Jencks
Turn Off The Lights Before You Go: Graceful Shutdown of OS Projects

Bjorn Townsend
Don't know Jack about Object Relational Mapping?

Craig L. Russell
Felix goes to Tuscany: applying OSGi modularity after the fact

Luciano Resende
OFBiz Framework Tools for Integrated Business Intelligence

Jacopo Cappellato
16:00 Break





16:30 Securing Apache Tomcat for your Environment

Mark Thomas
Open Development in the Enterprise

Phil Steitz
iBatis, Cayenne, OpenJPA - Apache Persistence Layers

Henning Schmiedehausen
Dependency Management With Ivy

Petar Tahchiev
Accelerating performance with Views and Dynamic Views

Adam Heath
17:30 Securing Communications with your Apache HTTP Server

Lars Eilebrecht
Do You Believe in the Users?

Brian Fitzpatrick
Introduction to JCR and Apache Jackrabbit

Jukka Zitting
Guidelines and Best practices-System architecture of web applications

Ravi Saraswathi
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love OFBiz

Martin Anderson

Friday, 07 Nov 2008

T1: Napoleon A2 & A3
Business/Community: Helping Communities
T2: Napoleon D2 & D3
SOA & Messaging
T3: Oak Alley (4th)
Tools & Feeds
T4: Nottoway (4th)
09:00 Administering Apache Geronimo 2.x

David Jencks
How Do You Do? Writing Documentation Your Audience Can Read

Noirin Shirley
Web Services, Orchestration and Apache ODE

Matthieu Riou
Best of breed - httpd, forrest, solr and droids

Thorsten Scherler
10:00 Java Monitoring and Trouble Shooting Tools In Action

Bill Au
Hadoop Hack Revealed

Christophe Bisciglia
SCA, Java EE, Spring and Web 2.0 Come Together - Service assembly with Apache Tuscany SCA

Luciano Resende
Stormin' the coffee cup with Apache Harmony

Tim Ellison
11:00 Break




11:30 Keynote -"future", :open, :microsoft)

Sam Ramji
Keynote -"future", :open, :microsoft)

Sam Ramji
Keynote -"future", :open, :microsoft)

Sam Ramji
Keynote -"future", :open, :microsoft)

Sam Ramji
12:30 Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: The Apache Way

J Aaron Farr
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: The Apache Way

J Aaron Farr
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: The Apache Way

J Aaron Farr
Lunch Presentation | Apache 101: The Apache Way

J Aaron Farr
14:00 Apache James - The Complete Email Application Platform

Danny Angus
An Open Source Approach to Digital Humanities

James Smith
Service Oriented Integration With the Apache ServiceMix ESB

Bruce Snyder
Atom Best Practices

James Snell
15:00 Scripting your Java Application with BSF 3.0

Felix Meschberger
Empowering the social web with Apache Shindig

Henning Schmiedehausen
Real-World Messaging with ActiveMQ

Bruce Snyder
An httpd module for the Atom Publishing Protocol

Tim Bray
16:00 Break




16:30 mod_wombat: Multithreaded Scripting in the Apache HTTP Server with Lua

Brian McCallister
The Commons Libraries - don't reinvent the wheel

Torsten Curdt
ServiceMix, ActiveMQ, Camel, and CXF - An integration toolbox

Chris Custine
XML and Web Services with Groovy

Paul King
17:30 Closing Plenary and Raffle

Shane Curcuru
Closing Plenary and Raffle

Shane Curcuru
Closing Plenary and Raffle

Shane Curcuru
Closing Plenary and Raffle

Shane Curcuru