Birds of a Feather Sessions

During the conference, The BOF schedule will be updated daily and posted on the Conference-at-a-Glance banners located on the Expo floor and near registration. You can also check HERE for the current BOF schedule.

BOFs are the perfect opportunity to meet with other Apache users and developers in a casual environment. The BOF sessions at ApacheCon are informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic. Don't miss these special evening activities designed to maximize the value of your time at the conference.

Wednesday and Thursday | 20:30-21:30 and 21:30-22:30

Wednesday 20:30

Who needs standards in an open source world? - Presented by: Max Lanfranconi (The JCP)

Standards make the world go round. It would be impossible to mail a package or send an email message, drive a car or take an airplane trip, shop for food in a supermarket, obtain medical treatment in a hospital, watch TV or movies, enjoy a sports game, or do any of the other things the modern world offers without standards.

The Java platform is built on standards, and its success is directly attributable to the community-driven process through which the language and platform evolve: the Java Community Process (JCP) program. The acceptance and success of open-source development methodologies pose both a challenge and an opportunity for the JCP program. Are standards necessary in an open-source world?


Thursday 20:30 

Web Operations Battle Scars – Presented by: Kim Read (Infrastructure Architect, HP) and Amit Utreja (Lead Operations Engineer, Crescendant)

JUST ADDED: A Mini-Note PC will be awarded to one lucky attendee at the conclusion of this BOF! 

Brainstorm on operational challenges in running any high volume, fast growing and mission critical web infrastructure. Share ideas and experiences in Capacity Planning, Content Management, Security and Configuration Management, Operation Tools, Middleware and tricks that are successfully deployed.