ApacheCon NA 2010

Paul Fremantle

Paul Fremantle is CTO of WSO2, where he works on Open Source projects in Apache, including the Apache Synapse and Incubator projects. He has contributed to Apache since the first Apache SOAP project. While at IBM, he was instrumental in starting up the Apache WSIF and Apache Woden projects, as well as being heavily involved in the AxisC/C++ initiative, where he led IBM's involvement. Paul was a Senior Technical Staff Member in IBM, where he was the lead architect and co-creator of IBM's Web Services Gateway. Paul is the co-chair of the OASIS WS-RX technical committee and led the JSR110 committee (JWSDL). Before joining IBM, Paul worked as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry. Publications include co-authoring "Building Web Services in Java, 2nd Edition", articles on Web Services and SOA, and a redbook - "The XML Files: Using XML and XSL in WebSphere". Paul has presented many times at ApacheCon, Colorado Software Summit, XML Europe, Software Architecture and other industry conferences. Paul has an M.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy and an M.Sc in Computation from Oxford University. He also plays the tin-whistle.