BarCamp Apache

BarCamp Apache returns for two days of unconference goodness at ApacheCon North America 2010, and it's FREE. Join us all day Monday and Tuesday for free BarCamp activities and events.

So what is BarCamp Apache?

ApacheCon North America 2010 will host its own unconference! Coinciding with the traditonal Apache Hackathon, BarCamp Apache is a dynamic get-together open to the public. Like other unconferences, the schedule will be determined by the participants.

This is an ideal opportunity to seek out people of like mind. At a BarCamp you can talk about anything you think people will be interested in. How about telling us about your favourite project, how to enjoy yourself in Atlanta, survival tips for ones first month on an ASF list, why you love your job, why you hate your job etc. etc. There will be plenty of space to break off and continue discussion with people of like mind.

BarCamp Apache is free and preceeds the main conference, you might want to register for the conference as well. You may also want to consider attending the free MeetUps that will be held in the evenings after the main conference tracks.

Read all about it and SIGN UP on the BarCamp Wiki!