Pragmatic Models: building systems with domain specific languages

Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a love it or hate it concept. Some people love the approach, giving them the right abstractions to design first, and others think its a waste of time and just holds them back from coding. In this presentation, Paul Fremantle will look at building real systems efficiently using Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). By building languages that really capture the overall problem space, we can avoid the abstractness of MDA, while gaining the real effectiveness of coding. The presentation will cover a real system - a complex integration of legacy products including a master data repository, and show how building models in a one or more domain specific languages made the whole system faster to code, more transparent, and easier to customize and maintain. It will also show how DSLs can be used to glue together existing languages including scripting languages, SQL, BPEL, XSLT and others. Finally, the talk will look at effective ways of creating DSLs, including the use of new languages and scripting frameworks, together with code-generation tools. The talk is aimed at anyone looking to build complex systems faster and more effectively.