========================================== zktreeutil - Zookeeper Tree Data Utility Author: Anirban Roy Organization: Yahoo Inc. ========================================== zktreeutil program is intended to manage and manipulate zk-tree data quickly, effi- ciently and with ease. The utility operates on free-form ZK-tree and hence can be used for any cluster managed by Zookeeper. Here are the basic functionalities - EXPORT: The whole/partial ZK-tree is exported into a XML file. This helps in capturing a current snapshot of the data for backup/analysis. For a subtree export, one need to specify the path to the ZK-subtree with proper option. IMPORT: The ZK-tree can be imported from XML into ZK cluster. This helps in priming the new ZK cluster with static configuration. The import can be non-intrusive by making only the additions in the existing data. The import of subtree is also possible by optionally providing the path to the ZK-subtree. DIFF: Creates a diff between live ZK data vs data saved in XML file. Diff can ignore some ZK-tree branches (possibly dynamic data) on reading the optional ignore flag from XML file. Diffing on a ZK-subtree achieved by providing path to ZK-subtree with diff command. UPDATE: Make the incremental changes into the live ZK-tree from saved XML, essentia- lly after running the diff. DUMP: Dumps the ZK-tree on the standard output device reading either from live ZK server or XML file. Like export, ZK-subtree can be dumped with optionaly providing the path to the ZK-subtree, and till a certain depth of the (sub)tree. The exported ZK data into XML file can be shortened by only keeping the static ZK nodes which are required to prime a cluster. The dynamic zk nodes (created on-the- fly) can be ignored by setting a 'ignore' attribute at the root node of the dynamic subtree (see tests/zk_sample.xml), possibly deleting all inner ZK nodes under that. Once ignored, the whole subtree is ignored during DIFF, UPDATE and WRITE. Pre-requisites -------------- 1. Linux system with 2.6.X kernel. 2. Zookeeper C client library (locally built at ../../c/.libs) >= 3.X.X 3. Development build libraries (rpm packages): a. boost-devel >= 1.32.0 b. libxml2-devel >= 2.7.3 c. log4cxx0100-devel >= 0.10.0 Build instructions ------------------ 1. cd into this directory 2. autoreconf -if 3. ./configure 4. make 5. 'zktreeutil' binary created under src directory Limitations ----------- Current version works with text data only, binary data will be supported in future versions. Testing and usage of zktreeutil -------------------------------- 1. Run Zookeeper server locally on port 2181 2. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../c/.libs/:/usr/local/lib/ 3. ./src/zktreeutil --help # show help 4. ./src/zktreeutil --zookeeper=localhost:2181 --import --xmlfile=tests/zk_sample.xml 2>/dev/null # import sample ZK tree 5. ./src/zktreeutil --zookeeper=localhost:2181 --dump --path=/myapp/version-1.0 2>/dev/null # dump Zk subtree 5. ./src/zktreeutil --zookeeper=localhost:2181 --dump --depth=3 2>/dev/null # dump Zk tree till certain depth 6. ./src/zktreeutil --xmlfile=zk_sample.xml -D 2>/dev/null # dump the xml data 7. Change zk_sample.xml with adding/deleting/chaging some nodes 8. ./src/zktreeutil -z localhost:2181 -F -x zk_sample.xml -p /myapp/version-1.0/configuration 2>/dev/null # take a diff of changes 9. ./src/zktreeutil -z localhost:2181 -E 2>/dev/null > zk_sample2.xml # export the mofied ZK tree 10. ./src/zktreeutil -z localhost:2181 -U -x zk_sample.xml -p /myapp/version-1.0/distributions 2>/dev/null # update with incr. changes 11. ./src/zktreeutil --zookeeper=localhost:2181 --import --force --xmlfile=zk_sample2.xml 2>/dev/null # re-prime the ZK tree