
The TransientComposite has finally been defined and implemented. No longer can you extend the Composite interface, and you need to change those into TransientComposite.
For long, we have been discussing to remove the ability to subtype the Composite interface directly, and instead introduce a TransientComposite type for all remaining use-cases not covered by EntityComposite, ServiceComposite and ValueComposite.

In the upcoming 0.8 release (or the current 0.8-SNAPSHOT), this has now been fixed. You can no longer extend the Composite interface directly. The CompositeBuilder and CompositeBuilderFactory change name to TransientBuilder and TransientBuilderFactory respectively, as well as the are changes to method names in many places. Also, the ModuleAssembly has a addTransients() method instead of the former addComposites(). This last change makes it compiler checked instead of start-up checked, which is a good thing.

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