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  1. Hit number: 81


    QueryExpressions.isNull() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 604 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / isNull

  2. Hit number: 82


    QueryExpressions.isNotNull() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 610 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / isNotNull

  3. Hit number: 83


    QueryExpressions.gt() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 596 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / gt

  4. Hit number: 84


    QueryExpressions.ge() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 596 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / ge

  5. Hit number: 85


    QueryExpressions.eq() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 596 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / eq

  6. Hit number: 86


    QueryExpressions.containsAll() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 614 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / containsAll

  7. Hit number: 87


    QueryExpressions.contains() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 608 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / contains

  8. Hit number: 88


    QueryExpressions.and() Full Name : Boolean AND operator. Returns : Boolean Arguments : Two or more Booleans. Description The Boolean AND operator take two or more arguments and if and only if all of those arguments evaluates to TRUE then the resulting boolean value is TRUE. This deviates slightly fr...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / and

  9. Hit number: 89


    Operators All available operators are accessed via the QueryExpressions class. Many of the arguments and return types are hard to understand, and typically you don't need to bother to understand exactly what they are for. The intent is that the query expressions are written in the Query Fluent API s...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators

  10. Hit number: 90


    Heading Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: January 20, 2010 - Size: 571 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Factory Methods / variable

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