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  1. Hit number: 71

    Entity Composite

    Entity Composite Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: December 17, 2007 - Size: 591 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Persistence / Entity Composite

  2. Hit number: 72

    Website Editing

    Website Editing Qi4j uses Sitevision as the Content Management System and website. This is an application that Rickard Öberg wrote years ago, and where the idea of Composite Oriented Programming was first tested. The success of Sitevision's codebase directly resulted in the creation of Qi4j, and we ...

    Last modified: September 18, 2010 - Size: 21 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Community / Website Editing

  3. Hit number: 73


    Sponsors Qi4j depends on sponsorship from companies and other organizations. Below you will find a list of these, and we are both grateful and urge our visitors to educate themselves about these organizations and their products. Company Contribution Senselogic AB, Sweden Site Vision License Jayway A...

    Last modified: July 18, 2010 - Size: 4 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sponsors

  4. Hit number: 74

    Named Native Queries

    Named Native Query If the Fluent Query API is not capable of expressing the query that you need, and you can figure out some way to get around this, it is also possible to write the query in the native query language used by the indexing extension that you intend to use. This means that the queries ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 5 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Named Native Queries

  5. Hit number: 75


    QueryExpressions.or() Full Name: Boolean OR operator. Returns : Boolean Arguments : Two or more Booleans. Description The Boolean OR operator take two or more arguments and if any of those arguments evaluates to TRUE then the resulting boolean value is TRUE. This deviates slightly from pure boolean ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / or

  6. Hit number: 76


    QueryExpressions.notEq() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 602 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / notEq

  7. Hit number: 77


    QueryExpressions.not() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 598 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / not

  8. Hit number: 78


    QueryExpressions.matches() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 606 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / matches

  9. Hit number: 79


    QueryExpressions.lt() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 596 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / lt

  10. Hit number: 80


    QueryExpressions.le() Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: February 08, 2010 - Size: 596 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Query API / Fluent Query API / Operators / le

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