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  1. Hit number: 121

    Javabean Wrapping

    Javabean Wrapping Content goes here... The wrapping support is intended to be used where an existing subsystem expects and delivers Javabeans instead of Qi4j composites. This is an important part of the legacy support that Qi4j provides. Let's look at an example. We have an existing interface to a s...

    Last modified: September 22, 2008 - Size: 9 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Libraries / Beans / Javabean Wrapping

  2. Hit number: 122

    Getters/Setters Usage

    Getters/Setter usage in Composite types The PropertiesMixin in this library provides support for getters/setters style interfaces to be re-used in Qi4j composites. For instance, if you have the following interface; public interface Address { String getStreet1() void setStreet1( String street1 ); Str...

    Last modified: September 22, 2008 - Size: 3 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Libraries / Beans / Getters/Setters Usage

  3. Hit number: 123


    Javabeans Support Library code docs tests This library brings some Javabean support to Qi4j. Currently there are two areas of support provided; Wrapping of Javabeans into Qi4j Composites, and using Javabeans getter/setter methods in Qi4j composites. ...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Libraries / Beans

  4. Hit number: 124


    Sandbox Libraries A Library is a Qi4j API that is intended to be used by the client code directly. A library in the sandbox is discouraged to be used for any purpose other than experimental and assisting in getting it to production quality. Users are requested to think carefully prior to use librari...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Libraries

  5. Hit number: 125


    Swift Entity Store The Swift Entity Store is an experimental entity store that does not rely on any third-party persistence system, and instead writing directly to binary files on your local file system. Since it is intricately well aware of the UnitOfWork's behavior it is possible to optimize such ...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Extensions / Swift

  6. Hit number: 126

    RMI Store

    RMI Store code docs tests Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Extensions / RMI Store

  7. Hit number: 127

    Amazon S3 Store

    Amazon S3 EntityStore ALv2 code docs tests Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Extensions / Amazon S3 Store

  8. Hit number: 128


    Sandbox Extensions An Extension is a Qi4j component that is NOT intended to be used by the client code directly. An extension in the sandbox is discouraged to be used for any purpose other than experimental and assisting in getting it to production quality. Users are requested to think carefully pri...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox / Extensions

  9. Hit number: 129


    Sandbox The Qi4j Sandbox exist to allow people to freely experiment with Qi4j concepts, ideas and new stuff not yet ready to be publicly encouraged for use. ...

    Last modified: April 20, 2009 - Size: 715 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Sandbox

  10. Hit number: 130


    References Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: December 17, 2007 - Size: 592 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / References

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