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    Release 1.3

    Last modified: April 15, 2011

Welcome to Qi4j™

Latest News
2011-Aug-06 03:48
Shanghai, 5 Aug 2011 - The Qi4j community today announced Release 1.4 of the innovative Java framework, Qi4j. This release is a consolidation release of the 1.x development branch, as development focus now is directed towards 2.0. The main new features in version 1.4 is Named Associations and inclusion of an industrial automation inspired alarm system.
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2011-Apr-15 09:50
Kuala Lumpur, 15 April 2011 - The Qi4j community today announced Release 1.3 of the innovative Java framework, Qi4j. This release is significant for several customers, moving to deploy Qi4j in business critical 24/7 systems. "We now feel that the core features of Qi4j are as stable as software systems ever get. Qi4j is now being deployed at a major investment bank in the risk pricing domain.", said Niclas Hedhman, co-inventor of Qi4j together with Rickard Öberg, who added "Qi4j has really proved itself in StreamFlow, and I am convinced that many of our paradigms will stand the test of time."
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What is Qi4j™?

The short answer is that Qi4j™ is a framework for domain centric application development, including evolved concepts from AOP, DI and DDD.

Qi4j™ is an implementation of Composite Oriented Programming, using the standard Java 5 platform, without the use of any pre-processors or new language elements. Everything you know from Java 5 still applies and you can leverage both your experience and toolkits to become more productive with Composite Oriented Programming today.


Introducing Qi4j™

Qi4j™ is pronounced "chee for jay". This website is out of scope to explain the many facets and history of Qi, so we refer the interested to read the lengthy articleexternal link at Wikipedia. For us, Qi is the force/energy within the body, in this case the Java platform. Something that makes Java so much better, if it is found and channeled into a greater good.

We strongly recommend the background article found in the introduction.


Composite Oriented Programming builds on some principles that are not addressed by Object Oriented Programming at all.

  • Behavior depends on Context
  • Decoupling is a virtue
  • Business Rules matters more.
  • Classes are dead, long live interfaces.

Behavior Depends on Context

Many objects has life cycles that are more extensive than the simple model that Object Oriented Programming model wants us to believe. A few simple examples;

  • An egg becomes a chicken which in turn becomes food.
  • I am a programmer at work, a father+husband at home, a victim in a traffic accident and hunter and pray in the jungle.

But it is more to it than that. The composition of the object may change over time. My home now has a garage and my car have different kind of problems with their own state related to it.
In the programming world, we are constantly faced with change of requirements. These changes are often not related to any real world changes, but people coming to new insights of the problem domain. OOP makes those changes a big deal, and often we have to tear up large chunks of the model and redo the work.

But wait, there is more.

Some objects traverses different scope boundaries to the extreme. For instance, a Person will have its attributes changing slightly over time, new abilities be learnt and so forth, that is mentioned above. But the Person will eventually die, but that doesn't mean that the Person object should be deleted from a system, since the "memory of" that Person may live on for a long time. In a OOP system, we would need to transfer some of the state from a LivingPerson class to a DeadPerson class. In Composite Oriented Programming, it is the same object with different behavior.

We think that one of the the main flaws in OOP is that it is not object oriented at all, but in fact class oriented. Class is the first class citizen that objects are derived from. Not objects being the first-class citizen to which one or many classes are assigned.

Decoupling is Virtue

Decoupling is more important than developers in general think. If you could have every OOP class decoupled from all other classes, it is easy to re-use that class. But when that class references another class and the chain never ends, your chances of re-use diminishes quickly.
Object Oriented Programming is suffering a lot from this, and many mechanisms have been introduced over time to counter this problem. But in reality, the best we can manage is subsystems of functionality, which client code can re-use. And these subsystems tend to be infrastructure related, since domain models are less prone to be similar enough from one project to the next, and since OOP in reality constrains the the re-use of individual domain classes, we need to re-do the domain model from scratch ever time.

Business Rules matters more

Smart developers often think that low-level, infrastructure and framework code is more important and more cool to work with, than the simple domain model. But in reality, it is the Domain Model that reflects the actual need  and pays the bills. Infrastructure is just a necessary evil to get things done.

If most developers could focus on the Business Rules and Domain Model, and not having to worry about any infrastructure issues, such as persistence, transactions, security or the framework housing it all, the productivity would surge. Eric Evans has written an excellent book about Domain Driven Design, where he goes through the real process that makes the money for companies. However, it is very hard to follow that book, since one is constantly caught up in constraints irrelevant to the domain model, introduced by the underlying framework, from the so called smart developers.

Classes are dead, Long live interfaces.
Qi4j™ is trying to address the flaws of OOP and introduce Composite Oriented Programming to the world, without introducing new programming languages, or awkward constructs. Heck, we don't even use any XML.
Qi4j™ is not a framework. It is a new way to write code. Other people might create frameworks using Qi4j™, or create a framework optimized for Qi4j™, but here at Qi4j™ we concentrate to make Qi4j™ behave well in existing frameworks, application servers, platforms and environments.

You are to embark on a new journey. Enjoy!

Qi4j and the Qi4j logo are trademarks of Richard Öberg, Niclas Hedhman and the members of the Qi4j Core Team. See Qi4j licensing for more information.
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