May 02, 2012

Qi4j’s Future

Lately, the activity in Qi4j community has been fading. Key members of the community have been caught up in many different activities outside this community, from changing jobs to have additional personal commitments piling up.

Speculation has been circulating whether Qi4j will simply die.

Today, some of the community leaders met and decided to step up and start forging this project forward. There are a few immediate points which will be addressed first;

  • New website. Sitevision is causing more problems than it solves for us.
  • Documentation. It has always been lacking, partly due to Sitevision’s barrier to editing. With plain text documentation developers no longer have an excuse not to document the features in Qi4j.
  • Roadmap to 2.0. Establish the features we want to incorporate and have done before 2.0. Effectively ensuring that all compatibility breaking features are included.

We hope that these future efforts will re-instill confidence in the viability of Qi4j in your projects.