Title: Apache™ FOP: Development Team $Revision: 1298724 $ All lists on this page are in alphabetical order. Some of them may be incomplete. If you know of an error or omission, please send a message to the [fop-dev](mailto:fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org) mailing list. # Active Committers # {#commit-active} Please don't write to any developer directly if you need help on using FOP. Only if you submit questions to the [FOP User Mailing List](maillist.html#fop-user) will other FOP users be able to profit from answers given to your question. Another point is that a developer may have gone inactive or is on holidays in which case you may not get an answer in time. - [Glenn Adams](mailto:gadams@apache.org) (GA) is an independent consultant. He is former technical director of the Unicode Consortium, and a co-author of the Unicode Standard. He served on ISO JTC1/SC2 (Coded Character Sets) and JTC1/SC18/WG8 (Document Processing) committees, and was actively involved in the creation of ISO 8879 (SGML), ISO/IEC 9541 (Font Information Interchange), ISO/IEC 10179 (DSSSL), ISO/IEC 10180 (SPDL), ISO/IEC 10646 (Universal Coded Character Set), and, within the W3C, on XSL-FO 1.0. - [Chris Bowditch](mailto:bowditch_chris@hotmail.com) (CB) is a Java/VB Programmer from England. - [Adrian Cumiskey](mailto:acumiskey AT apache.org) (AC) is an XP/Agile practitioner with interests in open source content management and electronic document generation. He is a UK expat now residing in Singapore. - [Andreas Delmelle](mailto:adelmelle@apache.org) (AD) - [Peter Hancock](mailto:phancock.at.apache.org) (PH) is a Java developer from England. - [Vincent Hennebert](mailto:vhennebert@apache.org) (VH), a Java developer from France; with an interest in typography, and in using Fop as a pdf renderer for book-like documents. - [Mehdi Houshmand](mailto:mehdi@apache.org) (MH) is a developer from the UK with a background in Physics. Worked on Flow Cytometry for research and military uses, Telecoms systems and CMS software. Programmed in C/C++, Java and currently learning Python - [Clay Leeds](mailto:clay@apache.org) (CL) is a web/WAP/Palm developer from Laguna Beach, California, USA. A recent XML/XSL-FO convert, he has been nit-picking FAQs & assorted web pages since his first webmaster position @brain.com in 1996. Most important creation? He's got a couple of cool kids. - [Jeremias M�rki](mailto:jeremias@apache.org) (JM) is an independent software engineer and consultant from Lucerne, Switzerland. He's also the creator ofBarcode4J. See hishome pagefor more information about him. - [Simon Pepping](mailto:spepping@apache.org) (SP) came to FOP from the TeX/LaTeX world. See hishome pagefor some of his private projects. - [J�rg Pietschmann](mailto:pietsch@apache.org) (JP) - [Pascal Sancho](mailto:tcho@club-internet.fr) (PS) is an XML developper from Aix-en-Provence (France). He works on software solutions for rendering various kind of documents on various supports, more specifically taking care of PDF generation with FOP. # Active Contributors # {#contribute-active} - Georg Datterl is a software developer from Austria, currently working for Geneon media solutions gmbh in Nuremberg, Germany. He needs FOP to wrestle gigabytes of electronic data into thousands of printed pages. - Louis Masters - Vanukuri Venkat Reddy is a Senior Software Engineer in UK, using XML Graphics Project and FOP for his work, and is committed to contributing more to the Apache to be part a great team. # Founder # {#founder} FOP was originally created and donated to the Apache Software Foundation by [James Tauber](mailto:jtauber@jtauber.com) . Information about him can be found athis website. # Inactive Committers # {#commit-inactive} - [Max Berger](mailto:max AT berger DOT name) (MB) - [Finn Bock](mailto:bckfnn@worldonline.dk) (FB) - [Jay Bryant](mailto:jay@bryantcs.com) (JB) - [Kelly Campbell](mailto:kellyc@apache.org) - [Steven Coffman](mailto:gears@apache.org) - [Bertrand Delacretaz](mailto:bdelacretaz@apache.org) - [Tore Engvig](mailto:tore@apache.org) - [Luca Furini](mailto:lfurini AT cs.unibo.it) (LF) - [Christian Geisert](mailto:chrisg@apache.org) (CG) - [Stanislav Gorkhover](mailto:stanislav@apache.org) - [Peter Herweg](mailto:pherweg@web.de) - [Fotis Jannidis](mailto:fotis@apache.org) - [Karen Lease](mailto:klease@apache.org) - [Keiron Liddle](mailto:keiron@apache.org) - [Manuel Mall](mailto:manuel@apache.org) (MM) - [Glen Mazza](mailto:gmazza@apache.org) - [Victor Mote](mailto:vmote@apache.org) - [Jordan Naftolin](mailto:jordan@apache.org) - [Arved Sandstrom](mailto:arved@apache.org) - [Eric Schaeffer](mailto:eschaeffer@apache.org) - [Oleg Tkachenko](mailto:olegt@apache.org) (OT) - [Art Welch](mailto:artw@apache.org) - [Peter B. West](mailto:pbwest@apache.org)