Title: Batik implementation status This page details information about Batik’s implementation of the [SVG 1.1](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/) and related specifications. The features of the implementation are annotated with their level of support, which can be at one of three levels: Not supported : If a feature isnotsupported, this means that Batik performs no useful processing for it. This feature could be silently ignored or an exception might be thrown when trying to use it. Partially supported : If a feature ispartiallysuppored, this means that Batik performs some processing for it, but there are known bugs with this processing. Fully supported : If a feature isfullysupported, this means that Batik performs the correct processing for it, as detailed in the relevant specification. Note that the information on this page is based on the code in the Subversion repository trunk. # Elements, attributes and properties # {#elements} The table below lists the SVG elements and the attributes and properties on them that are supported by Batik. For an element to be fully supported, its attributes and the properties that apply to it must also be fully supported. If an attribute of the element or a property that applies to the element is only partially supported or is not supported, the element can be at most partially supported. An element is not supported if it is not processed by Batik, even if some of its attributes are supported (such as the core attributes `id` or `xml:base` ). Note that all presentation attributes are supported on all stylable elements. These attributes are not listed in the table. Only those properties that apply to a given element are listed. | | svg:a | | | |-------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | target | no | While `target` is not supported, new windows can be opened with `xlink:show="new"` . | |--------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | partial | URI references to animation elements will not trigger the animation when the link is activated. | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | display | yes | | |---------| | enable-background | yes | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:altGlyph | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | format | no | | |--------| | glyphRef | no | | |----------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | alignment-baseline | no | | |--------------------| | baseline-shift | yes | | |----------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | direction | yes | | |-----------| | display | yes | | |---------| | dominant-baseline | no | | |-------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | font | yes | | |------| | font-family | yes | | |-------------| | font-size | yes | | |-----------| | font-size-adjust | no | | |------------------| | font-stretch | no | | |--------------| | font-style | yes | | |------------| | font-variant | no | | |--------------| | font-weight | yes | | |-------------| | glyph-orientation-horizontal | yes | | |------------------------------| | glyph-orientation-vertical | yes | | |----------------------------| | kerning | yes | | |---------| | letter-spacing | yes | | |----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | text-anchor | yes | | |-------------| | text-decoration | yes | | |-----------------| | unicode-bidi | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | word-spacing | yes | | |--------------| | | svg:altGlyphDef | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:altGlyphItem | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:animate | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | accumulate | yes | | |------------| | additive | yes | | |----------| | attributeName | yes | | |---------------| | attributeType | yes | | |---------------| | begin | yes | | |-------| | by | yes | | |----| | calcMode | yes | | |----------| | dur | yes | | |-----| | end | yes | | |-----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | from | yes | | |------| | id | yes | | |----| | keySplines | yes | | |------------| | keyTimes | yes | | |----------| | max | yes | | |-----| | min | yes | | |-----| | onbegin | yes | | |---------| | onend | yes | | |-------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onrepeat | yes | | |----------| | repeatCount | yes | | |-------------| | repeatDur | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | restart | yes | | |---------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | to | yes | | |----| | values | yes | | |--------| | | svg:animateColor | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | accumulate | yes | | |------------| | additive | yes | | |----------| | attributeName | yes | | |---------------| | attributeType | yes | | |---------------| | begin | yes | | |-------| | by | yes | | |----| | calcMode | yes | | |----------| | dur | yes | | |-----| | end | yes | | |-----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | from | yes | | |------| | id | yes | | |----| | keySplines | yes | | |------------| | keyTimes | yes | | |----------| | max | yes | | |-----| | min | yes | | |-----| | onbegin | yes | | |---------| | onend | yes | | |-------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onrepeat | yes | | |----------| | repeatCount | yes | | |-------------| | repeatDur | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | restart | yes | | |---------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | to | yes | | |----| | values | yes | | |--------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | | svg:animateMotion | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | accumulate | yes | | |------------| | additive | yes | | |----------| | attributeName | yes | | |---------------| | attributeType | yes | | |---------------| | begin | yes | | |-------| | by | yes | | |----| | calcMode | yes | | |----------| | dur | yes | | |-----| | end | yes | | |-----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | from | yes | | |------| | id | yes | | |----| | keyPoints | yes | | |-----------| | keySplines | yes | | |------------| | keyTimes | yes | | |----------| | max | yes | | |-----| | min | yes | | |-----| | onbegin | yes | | |---------| | onend | yes | | |-------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onrepeat | yes | | |----------| | origin | yes | | |--------| | path | yes | | |------| | repeatCount | yes | | |-------------| | repeatDur | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | restart | yes | | |---------| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | to | yes | | |----| | values | yes | | |--------| | | svg:animateTransform | | | |----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | accumulate | yes | | |------------| | additive | yes | | |----------| | attributeName | yes | | |---------------| | attributeType | yes | | |---------------| | begin | yes | | |-------| | by | yes | | |----| | calcMode | yes | | |----------| | dur | yes | | |-----| | end | yes | | |-----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | from | yes | | |------| | id | yes | | |----| | keySplines | yes | | |------------| | keyTimes | yes | | |----------| | max | yes | | |-----| | min | yes | | |-----| | onbegin | yes | | |---------| | onend | yes | | |-------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onrepeat | yes | | |----------| | repeatCount | yes | | |-------------| | repeatDur | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | restart | yes | | |---------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | to | yes | | |----| | type | yes | | |------| | values | yes | | |--------| | | svg:circle | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | cx | yes | | |----| | cy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | r | yes | | |---| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:clipPath | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | clipPathUnits | yes | | |---------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:color-profile | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | local | no | | |-------| | name | yes | | |------| | rendering-intent | yes | | |------------------| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:cursor | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:definition-src | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | no | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:defs | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:desc | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | id | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:ellipse | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | cx | yes | | |----| | cy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | rx | yes | | |----| | ry | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:feBlend | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | in2 | yes | | |-----| | mode | yes | | |------| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feColorMatrix | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | type | yes | | |------| | values | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feComponentTransfer | | | |-------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feComposite | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | in2 | yes | | |-----| | k1 | yes | | |----| | k2 | yes | | |----| | k3 | yes | | |----| | k4 | yes | | |----| | operator | yes | | |----------| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feConvolveMatrix | | | |----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | bias | yes | | |------| | divisor | yes | | |---------| | edgeMode | yes | | |----------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | kernelMatrix | yes | | |--------------| | kernelUnitLength | yes | | |------------------| | order | yes | | |-------| | preserveAlpha | yes | | |---------------| | result | yes | | |--------| | targetX | yes | | |---------| | targetY | yes | | |---------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feDiffuseLighting | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | diffuseConstant | yes | | |-----------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | kernelUnitLength | no | | |------------------| | result | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | surfaceScale | yes | | |--------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | lighting-color | yes | | |----------------| | | svg:feDisplacementMap | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | in2 | yes | | |-----| | result | yes | | |--------| | scale | yes | | |-------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | xChannelSelector | yes | | |------------------| | y | yes | | |---| | yChannelSelector | yes | | |------------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feDistantLight | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | azimuth | yes | | |---------| | elevation | yes | | |-----------| | id | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feFlood | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | flood-color | yes | | |-------------| | flood-opacity | yes | | |---------------| | | svg:feFuncA | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | amplitude | yes | | |-----------| | exponent | yes | | |----------| | id | yes | | |----| | intercept | yes | | |-----------| | offset | yes | | |--------| | slope | yes | | |-------| | tableValues | yes | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feFuncB | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | amplitude | yes | | |-----------| | exponent | yes | | |----------| | id | yes | | |----| | intercept | yes | | |-----------| | offset | yes | | |--------| | slope | yes | | |-------| | tableValues | yes | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feFuncG | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | amplitude | yes | | |-----------| | exponent | yes | | |----------| | id | yes | | |----| | intercept | yes | | |-----------| | offset | yes | | |--------| | slope | yes | | |-------| | tableValues | yes | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feFuncR | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | amplitude | yes | | |-----------| | exponent | yes | | |----------| | id | yes | | |----| | intercept | yes | | |-----------| | offset | yes | | |--------| | slope | yes | | |-------| | tableValues | yes | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feGaussianBlur | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | stdDeviation | yes | | |--------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feImage | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | preserveAspectRatio | no | | |---------------------| | result | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip | no | | |------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | color-profile | yes | | |---------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | image-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | overflow | yes | | |----------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:feMerge | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feMergeNode | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feMorphology | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | operator | yes | | |----------| | radius | yes | | |--------| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feOffset | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:fePointLight | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | z | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feSpecularLighting | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | kernelUnitLength | yes | | |------------------| | result | yes | | |--------| | specularConstant | yes | | |------------------| | specularExponent | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | surfaceScale | yes | | |--------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | lighting-color | yes | | |----------------| | | svg:feSpotLight | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | limitingConeAngle | yes | | |-------------------| | pointsAtX | yes | | |-----------| | pointsAtY | yes | | |-----------| | pointsAtZ | yes | | |-----------| | specularExponent | yes | | |------------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | z | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:feTile | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | in | yes | | |----| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:feTurbulence | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | baseFrequency | yes | | |---------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | numOctaves | yes | | |------------| | result | yes | | |--------| | seed | yes | | |------| | stitchTiles | yes | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color-interpolation-filters | yes | | |-----------------------------| | | svg:filter | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | filterRes | yes | | |-----------| | filterUnits | yes | | |-------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | primitiveUnits | yes | | |----------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:font | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | horiz-adv-x | yes | | |-------------| | horiz-origin-x | yes | | |----------------| | horiz-origin-y | yes | | |----------------| | id | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | vert-adv-y | yes | | |------------| | vert-origin-x | yes | | |---------------| | vert-origin-y | yes | | |---------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:font-face | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | accent-height | no | | |---------------| | alphabetic | no | | |------------| | ascent | yes | | |--------| | bbox | no | | |------| | cap-height | no | | |------------| | descent | yes | | |---------| | font-family | yes | | |-------------| | font-size | no | | |-----------| | font-stretch | no | | |--------------| | font-style | yes | | |------------| | font-variant | no | | |--------------| | font-weight | yes | | |-------------| | hanging | no | | |---------| | id | yes | | |----| | ideographic | no | | |-------------| | mathematical | no | | |--------------| | overline-position | yes | | |-------------------| | overline-thickness | yes | | |--------------------| | panose-1 | yes | | |----------| | slope | yes | | |-------| | stemh | no | | |-------| | stemv | no | | |-------| | strikethrough-position | yes | | |------------------------| | strikethrough-thickness | yes | | |-------------------------| | underline-position | yes | | |--------------------| | underline-thickness | yes | | |---------------------| | unicode-range | no | | |---------------| | units-per-em | yes | | |--------------| | v-alphabetic | no | | |--------------| | v-hanging | no | | |-----------| | v-ideographic | no | | |---------------| | v-mathematical | no | | |----------------| | widths | no | | |--------| | x-height | no | | |----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:font-face-format | | | |----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | string | no | | |--------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:font-face-name | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | name | yes | | |------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:font-face-src | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:font-face-uri | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:foreignObject | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | no | | |-------| | height | no | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | onactivate | no | | |------------| | onclick | no | | |---------| | onfocusin | no | | |-----------| | onfocusout | no | | |------------| | onload | no | | |--------| | onmousedown | no | | |-------------| | onmousemove | no | | |-------------| | onmouseout | no | | |------------| | onmouseover | no | | |-------------| | onmouseup | no | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | style | no | | |-------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | transform | no | | |-----------| | width | no | | |-------| | x | no | | |---| | y | no | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip | no | | |------| | display | no | | |---------| | overflow | no | | |----------| | | svg:g | | | |-------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | display | yes | | |---------| | enable-background | yes | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:glyph | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | arabic-form | yes | | |-------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | d | yes | | |---| | glyph-name | yes | | |------------| | horiz-adv-x | yes | | |-------------| | id | yes | | |----| | lang | yes | | |------| | orientation | yes | | |-------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | unicode | yes | | |---------| | vert-adv-y | yes | | |------------| | vert-origin-x | yes | | |---------------| | vert-origin-y | yes | | |---------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:glyphRef | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | dx | no | | |----| | dy | no | | |----| | font-family | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |-------------| | font-size | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |-----------| | font-size-adjust | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |------------------| | font-stretch | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |--------------| | font-style | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |------------| | font-variant | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |--------------| | font-weight | no | [[2]](#noteGlyphRef) | |-------------| | format | no | | |--------| | glyphRef | no | | |----------| | id | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | x | no | | |---| | y | no | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:hkern | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | g1 | yes | | |----| | g2 | yes | | |----| | id | yes | | |----| | k | yes | | |---| | u1 | yes | | |----| | u2 | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:image | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip | no | | |------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-profile | yes | | |---------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | image-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | overflow | yes | | |----------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:line | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | x1 | yes | | |----| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y1 | yes | | |----| | y2 | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | marker | yes | | |--------| | marker-end | yes | | |------------| | marker-mid | yes | | |------------| | marker-start | yes | | |--------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:linearGradient | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | gradientTransform | yes | | |-------------------| | gradientUnits | yes | | |---------------| | id | yes | | |----| | spreadMethod | yes | | |--------------| | stop-color | yes | | |------------| | stop-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | x1 | yes | | |----| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y1 | yes | | |----| | y2 | yes | | |----| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:marker | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | markerHeight | yes | | |--------------| | markerUnits | yes | | |-------------| | markerWidth | yes | | |-------------| | orient | yes | | |--------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | refX | yes | | |------| | refY | yes | | |------| | style | yes | | |-------| | viewBox | yes | | |---------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:mask | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | maskContentUnits | yes | | |------------------| | maskUnits | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:metadata | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:missing-glyph | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | d | yes | | |---| | horiz-adv-x | yes | | |-------------| | id | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | vert-adv-y | yes | | |------------| | vert-origin-x | yes | | |---------------| | vert-origin-y | yes | | |---------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:mpath | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:path | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | d | yes | | |---| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | pathLength | no | Author specified path length is ignored. | |------------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | marker | yes | | |--------| | marker-end | yes | | |------------| | marker-mid | yes | | |------------| | marker-start | yes | | |--------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:pattern | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | patternContentUnits | yes | | |---------------------| | patternTransform | yes | | |------------------| | patternUnits | yes | | |--------------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | viewBox | yes | | |---------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:polygon | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | points | yes | | |--------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | marker | yes | | |--------| | marker-end | yes | | |------------| | marker-mid | yes | | |------------| | marker-start | yes | | |--------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:polyline | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | points | yes | | |--------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | marker | yes | | |--------| | marker-end | yes | | |------------| | marker-mid | yes | | |------------| | marker-start | yes | | |--------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:radialGradient | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | cx | yes | | |----| | cy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | fx | yes | | |----| | fy | yes | | |----| | gradientTransform | yes | | |-------------------| | gradientUnits | yes | | |---------------| | id | yes | | |----| | r | yes | | |---| | spreadMethod | yes | | |--------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:rect | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | rx | yes | | |----| | ry | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | shape-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:script | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | type | yes | | |------| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:set | | | |---------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | attributeName | yes | | |---------------| | attributeType | yes | | |---------------| | begin | yes | | |-------| | dur | yes | | |-----| | end | yes | | |-----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | from | yes | | |------| | id | yes | | |----| | max | yes | | |-----| | min | yes | | |-----| | onbegin | yes | | |---------| | onend | yes | | |-------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onrepeat | yes | | |----------| | repeatCount | yes | | |-------------| | repeatDur | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | restart | yes | | |---------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:stop | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | id | yes | | |----| | offset | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | stop-color | yes | | |------------| | stop-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | | svg:style | | | |-----------|--|--| | | | The `:hover` , `:link` , `:visited` , `:active` and `:focus` pseudo-classes are not supported in selectors. | | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | media | yes | | |-------| | title | yes | | |-------| | type | yes | | |------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:svg | | | |---------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | baseProfile | no | | |-------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | contentScriptType | yes | | |-------------------| | contentStyleType | no | `text/css` is always the default style type. | |------------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | onabort | yes | | |---------| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onerror | yes | The event listener is added, but the error event is never fired by the implementation. | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | onresize | yes | | |----------| | onscroll | yes | | |----------| | onunload | yes | | |----------| | onzoom | yes | | |--------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | version | yes | | |---------| | viewBox | partial | Attribute not animatable. | |---------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | zoomAndPan | yes | | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip | no | | |------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | display | yes | | |---------| | enable-background | yes | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | overflow | yes | | |----------| | | svg:switch | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | display | yes | | |---------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | | svg:symbol | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | viewBox | yes | | |---------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip | no | | |------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | enable-background | no | | |-------------------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | overflow | yes | | |----------| | | svg:text | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | lengthAdjust | yes | | |--------------| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | textLength | yes | | |------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color | yes | | |-------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | direction | yes | | |-----------| | display | yes | | |---------| | dominant-baseline | no | | |-------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | font | yes | | |------| | font-family | yes | | |-------------| | font-size | yes | | |-----------| | font-size-adjust | no | | |------------------| | font-stretch | no | | |--------------| | font-style | yes | | |------------| | font-variant | no | | |--------------| | font-weight | yes | | |-------------| | glyph-orientation-horizontal | yes | | |------------------------------| | glyph-orientation-vertical | yes | | |----------------------------| | kerning | yes | | |---------| | letter-spacing | yes | | |----------------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | text-anchor | yes | | |-------------| | text-decoration | yes | | |-----------------| | text-rendering | yes | | |----------------| | unicode-bidi | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | word-spacing | yes | | |--------------| | writing-mode | yes | | |--------------| | | svg:textPath | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | lengthAdjust | yes | | |--------------| | method | no | `align` is always used. | |--------| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | spacing | no | `exact` is always used. | |---------| | startOffset | yes | | |-------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | textLength | yes | | |------------| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | alignment-baseline | no | | |--------------------| | baseline-shift | yes | | |----------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | direction | yes | | |-----------| | display | yes | | |---------| | dominant-baseline | no | | |-------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | font | yes | | |------| | font-family | yes | | |-------------| | font-size | yes | | |-----------| | font-size-adjust | no | | |------------------| | font-stretch | no | | |--------------| | font-style | yes | | |------------| | font-variant | no | | |--------------| | font-weight | yes | | |-------------| | glyph-orientation-horizontal | yes | | |------------------------------| | glyph-orientation-vertical | yes | | |----------------------------| | kerning | yes | | |---------| | letter-spacing | yes | | |----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | text-anchor | yes | | |-------------| | text-decoration | yes | | |-----------------| | unicode-bidi | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | word-spacing | yes | | |--------------| | | svg:title | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | id | yes | | |----| | style | yes | | |-------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:tref | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | lengthAdjust | yes | | |--------------| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | textLength | yes | | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | alignment-baseline | no | | |--------------------| | baseline-shift | yes | | |----------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | direction | yes | | |-----------| | display | yes | | |---------| | dominant-baseline | no | | |-------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | font | yes | | |------| | font-family | yes | | |-------------| | font-size | yes | | |-----------| | font-size-adjust | no | | |------------------| | font-stretch | no | | |--------------| | font-style | yes | | |------------| | font-variant | no | | |--------------| | font-weight | yes | | |-------------| | glyph-orientation-horizontal | yes | | |------------------------------| | glyph-orientation-vertical | yes | | |----------------------------| | kerning | yes | | |---------| | letter-spacing | yes | | |----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | text-anchor | yes | | |-------------| | text-decoration | yes | | |-----------------| | unicode-bidi | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | word-spacing | yes | | |--------------| | | svg:tspan | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | lengthAdjust | yes | | |--------------| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | textLength | yes | | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | alignment-baseline | no | | |--------------------| | baseline-shift | yes | | |----------------| | color | yes | | |-------| | direction | yes | | |-----------| | display | yes | | |---------| | dominant-baseline | no | | |-------------------| | fill | yes | | |------| | fill-opacity | yes | | |--------------| | fill-rule | yes | | |-----------| | font | yes | | |------| | font-family | yes | | |-------------| | font-size | yes | | |-----------| | font-size-adjust | no | | |------------------| | font-stretch | no | | |--------------| | font-style | yes | | |------------| | font-variant | no | | |--------------| | font-weight | yes | | |-------------| | glyph-orientation-horizontal | yes | | |------------------------------| | glyph-orientation-vertical | yes | | |----------------------------| | kerning | yes | | |---------| | letter-spacing | yes | | |----------------| | stroke | yes | | |--------| | stroke-dasharray | yes | | |------------------| | stroke-dashoffset | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-linecap | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-linejoin | yes | | |-----------------| | stroke-miterlimit | yes | | |-------------------| | stroke-opacity | yes | | |----------------| | stroke-width | yes | | |--------------| | text-anchor | yes | | |-------------| | text-decoration | yes | | |-----------------| | unicode-bidi | yes | | |--------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | word-spacing | yes | | |--------------| | | svg:use | | | |---------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | class | yes | | |-------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | id | yes | | |----| | onclick | yes | | |---------| | onfocusin | yes | | |-----------| | onfocusout | yes | | |------------| | onload | yes | | |--------| | onmousedown | yes | | |-------------| | onmousemove | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseout | yes | | |------------| | onmouseover | yes | | |-------------| | onmouseup | yes | | |-----------| | requiredExtensions | yes | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | yes | | |------------------| | style | yes | | |-------| | systemLanguage | yes | | |----------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | xlink:actuate | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:arcrole | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |---------------| | xlink:href | yes | | |------------| | xlink:role | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:show | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xlink:title | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |-------------| | xlink:type | yes | [[1]](#noteXLink) | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | Properties | |------------| | clip-path | yes | | |-----------| | clip-rule | yes | | |-----------| | color-interpolation | yes | | |---------------------| | color-rendering | yes | | |-----------------| | cursor | yes | | |--------| | filter | yes | | |--------| | mask | yes | | |------| | opacity | yes | | |---------| | pointer-events | yes | | |----------------| | visibility | yes | | |------------| | | svg:view | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | externalResourcesRequired | no | | |---------------------------| | id | yes | | |----| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | viewBox | yes | | |---------| | viewTarget | no | No highlighting is performed. | |------------| | zoomAndPan | yes | | |------------| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| | | svg:vkern | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | g1 | yes | | |----| | g2 | yes | | |----| | id | yes | | |----| | k | yes | | |---| | u1 | yes | | |----| | u2 | yes | | |----| | xml:base | yes | | |----------| | xml:lang | yes | | |----------| | xml:space | yes | | |-----------| Notes: 1. Values for the XLink attributes other than `xlink:href` that are not those required by SVG are ignored. For example, setting `xlink:title="Something"` or `xlink:actuate="other"` has no effect. 1. `glyphRef` elements can reference glyphs only by URI, not by font properties. # DOM interfaces # {#dom} The table below lists the SVG DOM interfaces that are supported by Batik. For each interface, the name of each IDL attribute and operation introduced on the interface is given, along with its level of support. For cases where the implementation of an attribute or operation introduced in a superinterface may differ depending on which subinterface has inherited it, this is noted next to that attribute or operation. Both the ECMAScript and Java bindings have the same implementation level as specified for the IDL interfaces in the table. | | GetSVGDocument | | | |----------------|--|--| | Operations | |------------| | getSVGDocument | no | No objects implement this interface. | |----------------| | | SVGAElement | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | target | yes | | |--------| | | SVGAltGlyphDefElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | | SVGAltGlyphElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | format | yes | | |--------| | glyphRef | yes | | |----------| | | SVGAltGlyphItemElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | | SVGAngle | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | unitType | yes | | |----------| | value | yes | | |-------| | valueAsString | yes | | |---------------| | valueInSpecifiedUnits | yes | | |-----------------------| | Operations | |------------| | newValueSpecifiedUnits | yes | | |------------------------| | convertToSpecifiedUnits | yes | | |-------------------------| | | SVGAnimateColorElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | | SVGAnimatedAngle | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedBoolean | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedEnumeration | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedInteger | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedLength | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedLengthList | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedNumber | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedNumberList | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedPathData | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animatedNormalizedPathSegList | no | | |-------------------------------| | animatedPathSegList | yes | | |---------------------| | normalizedPathSegList | yes | | |-----------------------| | pathSegList | yes | | |-------------| | | SVGAnimatedPoints | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animatedPoints | yes | | |----------------| | points | yes | | |--------| | | SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio | | | |--------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedRect | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedString | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimatedTransformList | | | |--------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animVal | yes | | |---------| | baseVal | yes | | |---------| | | SVGAnimateElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGAnimateMotionElement | | | |-------------------------|--|--| | | SVGAnimateTransformElement | | | |----------------------------|--|--| | | SVGAnimationElement | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | targetElement | yes | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | getStartTime | yes | | |--------------| | getCurrentTime | yes | | |----------------| | getSimpleDuration | yes | | |-------------------| | | SVGCircleElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | cx | yes | | |----| | cy | yes | | |----| | r | yes | | |---| | | SVGClipPathElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | clipPathUnits | yes | | |---------------| | | SVGColor | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | colorType | yes | | |-----------| | iccColor | yes | | |----------| | rgbColor | yes | | |----------| | Operations | |------------| | setRGBColor | yes | | |-------------| | setRGBColorICCColor | yes | | |---------------------| | setColor | yes | | |----------| | | SVGColorProfileElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | local | yes | | |-------| | name | yes | | |------| | renderingIntent | yes | | |-----------------| | | SVGColorProfileRule | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | name | no | | |------| | renderingIntent | no | | |-----------------| | src | no | | |-----| | | SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement | | | |-------------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | amplitude | yes | | |-----------| | exponent | yes | | |----------| | intercept | yes | | |-----------| | offset | yes | | |--------| | slope | yes | | |-------| | tableValues | no | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | | SVGCSSRule | | | |------------|--|--| | | SVGCursorElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGDefinitionSrcElement | | | |-------------------------|--|--| | | SVGDefinitionSrcElement | | | |-------------------------|--|--| | | SVGDefsElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | | SVGDescElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | | SVGDocument | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | domain | yes | | |--------| | referrer | yes | | |----------| | rootElement | yes | | |-------------| | title | yes | | |-------| | URL | yes | | |-----| | | SVGElement | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | id | yes | | |----| | ownerSVGElement | yes | | |-----------------| | viewportElement | yes | | |-----------------| | xmlbase | yes | | |---------| | | SVGElementInstance | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | childNodes | no | | |------------| | correspondingElement | no | | |----------------------| | correspondingUseElement | no | | |-------------------------| | firstChild | no | | |------------| | lastChild | no | | |-----------| | nextSibling | no | | |-------------| | parentNode | no | | |------------| | previousSibling | no | | |-----------------| | | SVGElementInstanceList | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | length | no | | |--------| | Operations | |------------| | item | no | | |------| | | SVGEllipseElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | cx | yes | | |----| | cy | yes | | |----| | rx | yes | | |----| | ry | yes | | |----| | | SVGEvent | | | |----------|--|--| | | SVGExternalResourcesRequired | | | |------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | externalResourcesRequired | yes | | |---------------------------| | | SVGFEBlendElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | in2 | yes | | |-----| | mode | yes | | |------| | | SVGFEColorMatrixElement | | | |-------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | type | yes | | |------| | values | no | | |--------| | | SVGFEComponentTransferElement | | | |-------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | | SVGFECompositeElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | in2 | yes | | |-----| | k1 | yes | | |----| | k2 | yes | | |----| | k3 | yes | | |----| | k4 | yes | | |----| | operator | yes | | |----------| | | SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement | | | |----------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | bias | yes | | |------| | divisor | no | | |---------| | edgeMode | yes | | |----------| | kernelMatrix | no | | |--------------| | kernelUnitLengthX | no | | |-------------------| | kernelUnitLengthY | no | | |-------------------| | orderX | no | | |--------| | orderY | no | | |--------| | preserveAlpha | yes | | |---------------| | targetX | no | | |---------| | targetY | no | | |---------| | | SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement | | | |-----------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | diffuseConstant | yes | | |-----------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | kernelUnitLengthX | yes | | |-------------------| | kernelUnitLengthY | yes | | |-------------------| | surfaceScale | yes | | |--------------| | | SVGFEDisplacementMapElement | | | |-----------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | in2 | yes | | |-----| | scale | yes | | |-------| | xChannelSelector | yes | | |------------------| | yChannelSelector | yes | | |------------------| | | SVGFEDistantLightElement | | | |--------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | azimuth | yes | | |---------| | elevation | yes | | |-----------| | | SVGFEFloodElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | | SVGFEFuncAElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGFEFuncBElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGFEFuncGElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGFEFuncRElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGFEGaussianBlurElement | | | |--------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | stdDeviationX | no | | |---------------| | stdDeviationY | no | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | setStdDeviation | yes | | |-----------------| | | SVGFEImageElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | preserveAspectRatio | no | | |---------------------| | | SVGFEMergeElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGFEMergeNodeElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | | SVGFEMorphologyElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | operator | yes | | |----------| | radiusX | no | | |---------| | radiusY | no | | |---------| | | SVGFEOffsetElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | | SVGFEPointLightElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | z | yes | | |---| | | SVGFESpecularLightingElement | | | |------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | specularConstant | yes | | |------------------| | specularExponent | yes | | |------------------| | surfaceScale | yes | | |--------------| | | SVGFESpotLightElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | limitingConeAngle | yes | | |-------------------| | pointsAtX | yes | | |-----------| | pointsAtY | yes | | |-----------| | pointsAtZ | yes | | |-----------| | specularExponent | yes | | |------------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | z | yes | | |---| | | SVGFETileElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | in1 | yes | | |-----| | | SVGFETurbulenceElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | baseFrequencyX | no | | |----------------| | baseFrequencyY | no | | |----------------| | numOctaves | yes | | |------------| | seed | yes | | |------| | stitchTiles | yes | | |-------------| | type | yes | | |------| | | SVGFilterElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | filterResX | no | | |------------| | filterResY | no | | |------------| | filterUnits | yes | | |-------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | primitiveUnits | yes | | |----------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | Operations | |------------| | setFilterRes | no | | |--------------| | | SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes | | | |--------------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | result | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGFitToViewBox | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | viewBox | partial | Implemented for `` elements. | |---------| | | SVGFontElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | | SVGFontFaceElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | | SVGFontFaceFormatElement | | | |--------------------------|--|--| | | SVGFontFaceNameElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | | SVGFontFaceSrcElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | | SVGFontFaceUriElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | | SVGForeignObjectElement | | | |-------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGGElement | | | |-------------|--|--| | | SVGGlyphElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | | SVGGlyphRefElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | format | yes | | |--------| | glyphRef | yes | | |----------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGGradientElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | gradientTransform | yes | | |-------------------| | gradientUnits | yes | | |---------------| | spreadMethod | yes | | |--------------| | | SVGHKernElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | | SVGICCColor | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | colorProfile | yes | | |--------------| | colors | yes | | |--------| | | SVGImageElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | preserveAspectRatio | yes | | |---------------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGLangSpace | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | xmllang | yes | | |---------| | xmlspace | yes | | |----------| | | SVGLength | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | unitType | yes | | |----------| | value | yes | | |-------| | valueAsString | yes | | |---------------| | valueInSpecifiedUnits | yes | | |-----------------------| | Operations | |------------| | newValueSpecifiedUnits | yes | | |------------------------| | convertToSpecifiedUnits | yes | | |-------------------------| | | SVGLengthList | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | numberOfItems | yes | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | clear | yes | | |-------| | initialize | yes | | |------------| | getItem | yes | | |---------| | insertItemBefore | yes | | |------------------| | replaceItem | yes | | |-------------| | removeItem | yes | | |------------| | appendItem | yes | | |------------| | | SVGLinearGradientElement | | | |--------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x1 | yes | | |----| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y1 | yes | | |----| | y2 | yes | | |----| | | SVGLineElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x1 | yes | | |----| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y1 | yes | | |----| | y2 | yes | | |----| | | SVGLocatable | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | farthestViewportElement | yes | | |-------------------------| | nearestViewportElement | yes | | |------------------------| | Operations | |------------| | getBBox | yes | | |---------| | getCTM | yes | | |--------| | getScreenCTM | yes | | |--------------| | getTransformToElement | yes | | |-----------------------| | | SVGMarkerElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | markerHeight | yes | | |--------------| | markerUnits | yes | | |-------------| | markerWidth | yes | | |-------------| | orientAngle | yes | | |-------------| | orientType | yes | | |------------| | refX | yes | | |------| | refY | yes | | |------| | Operations | |------------| | setOrientToAuto | yes | | |-----------------| | setOrientToAngle | yes | | |------------------| | | SVGMaskElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | maskContentUnits | yes | | |------------------| | maskUnits | yes | | |-----------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGMatrix | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | a | yes | | |---| | b | yes | | |---| | c | yes | | |---| | d | yes | | |---| | e | yes | | |---| | f | yes | | |---| | Operations | |------------| | multiply | yes | | |----------| | inverse | yes | | |---------| | translate | yes | | |-----------| | scale | yes | | |-------| | scaleNonUniform | yes | | |-----------------| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | rotateFromVector | yes | | |------------------| | flipX | yes | | |-------| | flipY | yes | | |-------| | skewX | yes | | |-------| | skewY | yes | | |-------| | | SVGMetadataElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | | SVGMissingGlyphElement | | | |------------------------|--|--| | | SVGMPathElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | | SVGNumber | | | |-----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | value | yes | | |-------| | | SVGNumberList | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | numberOfItems | yes | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | clear | yes | | |-------| | initialize | yes | | |------------| | getItem | yes | | |---------| | insertItemBefore | yes | | |------------------| | replaceItem | yes | | |-------------| | removeItem | yes | | |------------| | appendItem | yes | | |------------| | | SVGPaint | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | paintType | yes | | |-----------| | uri | yes | | |-----| | Operations | |------------| | setUri | yes | | |--------| | setPaint | yes | | |----------| | | SVGPathElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | pathLength | no | | |------------| | Operations | |------------| | getTotalLength | yes | | |----------------| | getPointAtLength | yes | | |------------------| | getPathSegAtLength | yes | | |--------------------| | createSVGPathSegClosePath | yes | | |---------------------------| | createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs | yes | | |---------------------------| | createSVGPathSegMovetoRel | yes | | |---------------------------| | createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs | yes | | |---------------------------| | createSVGPathSegLinetoRel | yes | | |---------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs | yes | | |---------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel | yes | | |---------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs | yes | | |-------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel | yes | | |-------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegArcAbs | yes | | |------------------------| | createSVGPathSegArcRel | yes | | |------------------------| | createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs | yes | | |-------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel | yes | | |-------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs | yes | | |-----------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel | yes | | |-----------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs | yes | | |---------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel | yes | | |---------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs | yes | | |-------------------------------------------| | createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel | yes | | |-------------------------------------------| | | SVGPathSeg | | | |------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | pathSegType | yes | | |-------------| | pathSegTypeAsLetter | yes | | |---------------------| | | SVGPathSegArcAbs | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | angle | yes | | |-------| | largeArcFlag | yes | | |--------------| | r1 | yes | | |----| | r2 | yes | | |----| | sweepFlag | yes | | |-----------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegArcRel | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | angle | yes | | |-------| | largeArcFlag | yes | | |--------------| | r1 | yes | | |----| | r2 | yes | | |----| | sweepFlag | yes | | |-----------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegClosePath | | | |---------------------|--|--| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs | | | |---------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | x1 | yes | | |----| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y | yes | | |---| | y1 | yes | | |----| | y2 | yes | | |----| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel | | | |---------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | x1 | yes | | |----| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y | yes | | |---| | y1 | yes | | |----| | y2 | yes | | |----| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs | | | |---------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y | yes | | |---| | y2 | yes | | |----| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel | | | |---------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | x2 | yes | | |----| | y | yes | | |---| | y2 | yes | | |----| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs | | | |-------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | x1 | yes | | |----| | y | yes | | |---| | y1 | yes | | |----| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel | | | |-------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | x1 | yes | | |----| | y | yes | | |---| | y1 | yes | | |----| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs | | | |-------------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel | | | |-------------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegLinetoAbs | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs | | | |-------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel | | | |-------------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegLinetoRel | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs | | | |-----------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel | | | |-----------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegList | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | numberOfItems | yes | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | clear | yes | | |-------| | initialize | yes | | |------------| | getItem | yes | | |---------| | insertItemBefore | yes | | |------------------| | replaceItem | yes | | |-------------| | removeItem | yes | | |------------| | appendItem | yes | | |------------| | | SVGPathSegMovetoAbs | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPathSegMovetoRel | | | |---------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPatternElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | patternContentUnits | yes | | |---------------------| | patternTransform | no | | |------------------| | patternUnits | yes | | |--------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGPoint | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | Operations | |------------| | matrixTransform | partial | Not implemented for any `SVGPoint` in an `SVGPointList` . | |-----------------| | | SVGPointList | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | numberOfItems | yes | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | clear | yes | | |-------| | initialize | yes | | |------------| | getItem | yes | | |---------| | insertItemBefore | yes | | |------------------| | replaceItem | yes | | |-------------| | removeItem | yes | | |------------| | appendItem | yes | | |------------| | | SVGPolygonElement | | | |-------------------|--|--| | | SVGPolylineElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | | SVGPreserveAspectRatio | | | |------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | align | yes | | |-------| | meetOrSlice | yes | | |-------------| | | SVGRadialGradientElement | | | |--------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | cx | yes | | |----| | cy | yes | | |----| | fx | yes | | |----| | fy | yes | | |----| | r | yes | | |---| | | SVGRect | | | |---------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGRectElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | rx | yes | | |----| | ry | yes | | |----| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGRenderingIntent | | | |--------------------|--|--| | | SVGScriptElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | type | yes | | |------| | | SVGSetElement | | | |---------------|--|--| | | SVGStopElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | offset | yes | | |--------| | | SVGStringList | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | numberOfItems | no | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | clear | no | | |-------| | initialize | no | | |------------| | getItem | no | | |---------| | insertItemBefore | no | | |------------------| | replaceItem | no | | |-------------| | removeItem | no | | |------------| | appendItem | no | | |------------| | | SVGStylable | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | className | yes | | |-----------| | style | yes | | |-------| | Operations | |------------| | getPresentationAttribute | yes | | |--------------------------| | | SVGStyleElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | media | yes | | |-------| | title | yes | | |-------| | type | yes | | |------| | xmlspace | yes | | |----------| | | SVGSVGElement | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | contentScriptType | yes | | |-------------------| | contentStyleType | yes | | |------------------| | currentScale | yes | | |--------------| | currentTranslate | yes | | |------------------| | currentView | no | | |-------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | pixelUnitToMillimeterX | yes | | |------------------------| | pixelUnitToMillimeterY | yes | | |------------------------| | screenPixelToMillimeterX | yes | | |--------------------------| | screenPixelToMillimeterY | yes | | |--------------------------| | useCurrentView | no | | |----------------| | viewport | yes | | |----------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | Operations | |------------| | suspendRedraw | yes | | |---------------| | unsuspendRedraw | yes | | |-----------------| | unsuspendRedrawAll | yes | | |--------------------| | forceRedraw | yes | | |-------------| | pauseAnimations | yes | | |-----------------| | unpauseAnimations | yes | | |-------------------| | animationsPaused | yes | | |------------------| | getCurrentTime | yes | | |----------------| | setCurrentTime | yes | | |----------------| | getIntersectionList | yes | | |---------------------| | getEnclosureList | yes | | |------------------| | checkIntersection | yes | | |-------------------| | checkEnclosure | yes | | |----------------| | deselectAll | yes | | |-------------| | createSVGNumber | yes | | |-----------------| | createSVGLength | yes | | |-----------------| | createSVGAngle | yes | | |----------------| | createSVGPoint | yes | | |----------------| | createSVGMatrix | yes | | |-----------------| | createSVGRect | yes | | |---------------| | createSVGTransform | yes | | |--------------------| | createSVGTransformFromMatrix | yes | | |------------------------------| | getElementById | yes | | |----------------| | | SVGSwitchElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | | SVGSymbolElement | | | |------------------|--|--| | | SVGTests | | | |----------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | requiredExtensions | no | | |--------------------| | requiredFeatures | no | | |------------------| | systemLanguage | no | | |----------------| | Operations | |------------| | hasExtension | no | | |--------------| | | SVGTextContentElement | | | |-----------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | lengthAdjust | yes | | |--------------| | textLength | yes | | |------------| | Operations | |------------| | getNumberOfChars | yes | | |------------------| | getComputedTextLength | yes | | |-----------------------| | getSubStringLength | yes | | |--------------------| | getStartPositionOfChar | yes | | |------------------------| | getEndPositionOfChar | yes | | |----------------------| | getExtentOfChar | yes | | |-----------------| | getRotationOfChar | yes | | |-------------------| | getCharNumAtPosition | yes | | |----------------------| | selectSubString | yes | | |-----------------| | | SVGTextElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | | SVGTextPathElement | | | |--------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | method | yes | | |--------| | spacing | yes | | |---------| | startOffset | yes | | |-------------| | | SVGTextPositioningElement | | | |---------------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | dx | yes | | |----| | dy | yes | | |----| | rotate | yes | | |--------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGTitleElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | | SVGTransform | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | angle | yes | | |-------| | matrix | yes | | |--------| | type | yes | | |------| | Operations | |------------| | setMatrix | yes | | |-----------| | setTranslate | yes | | |--------------| | setScale | yes | | |----------| | setRotate | yes | | |-----------| | setSkewX | yes | | |----------| | setSkewY | yes | | |----------| | | SVGTransformable | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | transform | yes | | |-----------| | | SVGTransformList | | | |------------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | numberOfItems | yes | | |---------------| | Operations | |------------| | clear | yes | | |-------| | initialize | yes | | |------------| | getItem | yes | | |---------| | insertItemBefore | yes | | |------------------| | replaceItem | yes | | |-------------| | removeItem | yes | | |------------| | appendItem | yes | | |------------| | createSVGTransformFromMatrix | yes | | |------------------------------| | consolidate | yes | | |-------------| | | SVGTRefElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | | SVGTSpanElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | | SVGUnitTypes | | | |--------------|--|--| | | SVGURIReference | | | |-----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | href | yes | | |------| | | SVGUseElement | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | animatedInstanceRoot | no | | |----------------------| | height | yes | | |--------| | instanceRoot | no | | |--------------| | width | yes | | |-------| | x | yes | | |---| | y | yes | | |---| | | SVGViewElement | | | |----------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | viewTarget | no | | |------------| | | SVGViewSpec | | | |-------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | preserveAspectRatioString | no | | |---------------------------| | transform | no | | |-----------| | transformString | no | | |-----------------| | viewBoxString | no | | |---------------| | viewTarget | no | | |------------| | viewTargetString | no | | |------------------| | | SVGVKernElement | | | |-----------------|--|--| | | SVGZoomAndPan | | | |---------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | zoomAndPan | yes | | |------------| | | SVGZoomEvent | | | |--------------|--|--| | Attributes | |------------| | newScale | no | | |----------| | newTranslate | no | | |--------------| | previousScale | no | | |---------------| | previousTranslate | no | | |-------------------| | zoomRectScreen | no | | |----------------| # ECMAScript objects # {#ecmascript} In addition to the host objects exposed to ECMAScript that implement the SVG DOM, the following objects are also available.
Global object
The current SVG document.
The most recently dispatched event object.
An alias for `event` .
Implementation of the [Location](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/svgudom.html#dom__Location) interface. Methods `assign` and `reload` are available. This interface is available since version 1.8.
The global object (a self-reference).
Function properties
Displays an alert dialog with the specified `message` .
Cancels an interval that was set by a call to `setInterval` . The `intervalID` must be an object that has been returned by a previous `setInterval` call.
Cancels a timeout that was set by a call to `setTimeout` . The `timeoutID` must be an object that has been returned by a previous `clearTimeout` call.
Displays a confirmation dialog with the specified `message` . The window has an OK and a Cancel button. The function returns `true` if the user clicks on the OK button, and `false` otherwise.
getURL(uri, function[, encoding])
Gets data from the given `uri` . This method returns immediately and the given `function` is called when the data is fully downloaded. The optional `encoding` argument is the encoding to assume the data is in, defaulting to UTF-8. The argument passed to the function is an object with three properties: success : `true` if the data is available, `false` otherwise. contentType : The content type of the data, if it is known by the implementation. content : A string holding the data.
parseXML(text, document)
Parses and returns a `DocumentFragment` object. `text` is the string that is to be parsed as XML data, and `document` is a `Document` that will be used for creating new DOM objects.
postURL(uri, content, function[, type, encoding])
Sends data to the given `uri` . This method returns immediately and the given `function` is called when the data is fully downloaded. The optional `type` argument will specify the `Content-Type` HTTP header to use, defaulting to `text/plain` . The optional `encoding` argument is the encoding to assume the data is in, defaulting to UTF-8. The argument passed to the function is an object with three properties: success : `true` if the data is available, `false` otherwise. contentType : The content type of the data, if it is known by the implementation. content : A string holding the data.
Returns a string that is the serialization of the given DOM node.
prompt(message[, defaultValue])
Displays an input dialog with the specified `message` . The `defaultValue` parameter specifies the initial contents of the text box in the window. The function returns the string entered by the user, or null if the window was cancelled.
setInterval(script, interval)
Evaluates the given `script` repeatedly after the specified amount of time. The value for `script` must be either a string, which is evaluated by `eval` every interval, or an ECMAScript function object, which is called every interval. This method does not stall the script: the evaluation is scheduled and the script continues its execution. The function returns an object that can be passed to the `clearInterval` function.
setTimeout(script, timeout)
Evaluates the given `script` after the specified amount of time. The value for `script` must be either a string, which is evaluated by `eval` after the timeout, or an ECMAScript function object, which is called after the timeout. This method does not stall the script: the evaluation is scheduled and the script continues its execution. The function returns an object that can be passed to the `clearInterval` function. The function returns an object that can be passed to the `clearTimeout` function.
# SVG 1.1 test suite # {#test} The table below lists the test cases from the December 2006 release of the [SVG 1.1 test suite](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/) and whether the latest Batik code in the Subversion repository passes each one. | | SVG 1.1 test suite | | | |----------------------------------------|--|--| | [animate-elem-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-02-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-03-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-04-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-05-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-05-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-06-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-06-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-07-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-07-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-08-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-08-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-09-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-09-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-10-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-10-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-11-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-11-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-12-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-12-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-13-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-13-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-14-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-14-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-15-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-15-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-17-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-17-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-19-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-19-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-20-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-20-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-21-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-21-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-22-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-22-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-23-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-23-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-24-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-24-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-25-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-25-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-26-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-26-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-27-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-27-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-28-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-28-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-29-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-29-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-30-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-30-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-31-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-31-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-32-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-32-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-33-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-33-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-34-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-34-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-36-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-36-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-37-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-37-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-39-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-39-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-40-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-40-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-41-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-41-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-44-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-44-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-46-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-46-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-52-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-52-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-60-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-60-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-61-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-61-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-62-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-62-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-63-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-63-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-64-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-64-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-65-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-65-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-66-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-66-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-67-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-67-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-68-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-68-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-69-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-69-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-70-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-70-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-77-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-77-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-78-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-78-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-80-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-80-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-81-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-81-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-82-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-82-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-83-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-83-t.svg) | partial | Performing interpolating animation of paths between an absolute and a corresponding relative path command (e.g. from `"M0,0 L10,10"` to `"M0,0 l10,20"` ) is not supported. | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-84-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-84-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [animate-elem-85-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/animate-elem-85-t.svg) | partial | Performing interpolating animation of colors to or from the `currentColor` keyword is not supported. | |-------------------| | [color-prof-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/color-prof-01-f.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [color-prop-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/color-prop-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [color-prop-02-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/color-prop-02-f.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [color-prop-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/color-prop-03-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [coords-coord-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-coord-01-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-coord-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-coord-02-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-trans-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-trans-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-trans-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-trans-02-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-trans-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-trans-03-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-trans-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-trans-04-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-trans-05-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-trans-05-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-trans-06-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-trans-06-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-units-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-units-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-units-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-units-02-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-units-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-units-03-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [coords-viewattr-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-viewattr-01-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [coords-viewattr-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-viewattr-02-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [coords-viewattr-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/coords-viewattr-03-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [extend-namespace-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/extend-namespace-01-f.svg) | yes | | |-----------------------| | [filters-blend-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-blend-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [filters-color-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-color-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [filters-composite-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-composite-02-b.svg) | yes | | |------------------------| | [filters-comptran-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-comptran-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------------| | [filters-conv-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-conv-01-f.svg) | partial | | |-------------------| | [filters-diffuse-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-diffuse-01-f.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [filters-displace-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-displace-01-f.svg) | yes | | |-----------------------| | [filters-example-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-example-01-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [filters-felem-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-felem-01-b.svg) | no | | |--------------------| | [filters-gauss-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-gauss-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [filters-image-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-image-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [filters-light-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-light-01-f.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [filters-morph-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-morph-01-f.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [filters-offset-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-offset-01-b.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [filters-specular-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-specular-01-f.svg) | yes | | |-----------------------| | [filters-tile-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-tile-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [filters-turb-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/filters-turb-01-f.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [fonts-desc-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-desc-02-t.svg) | partial | Font glyph selection based on certain properties is not supported. | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-01-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-02-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-03-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-04-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-04-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-05-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-05-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-06-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-06-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-elem-07-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-elem-07-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [fonts-glyph-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-glyph-02-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [fonts-glyph-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-glyph-03-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [fonts-glyph-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-glyph-04-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [fonts-kern-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/fonts-kern-01-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [interact-cursor-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-cursor-01-f.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [interact-dom-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-dom-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [interact-events-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-events-01-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [interact-order-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-order-01-b.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [interact-order-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-order-02-b.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [interact-order-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-order-03-b.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [interact-zoom-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/interact-zoom-01-t.svg) | partial | Test is incorrect. | |--------------------| | [linking-a-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-a-01-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------| | [linking-a-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-a-02-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------| | [linking-a-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-a-03-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------| | [linking-a-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-a-04-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------| | [linking-a-05-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-a-05-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------| | [linking-a-07-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-a-07-t.svg) | no | The `target` attribute of the `a` element is ignored. | |----------------| | [linking-uri-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-uri-01-b.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [linking-uri-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-uri-02-b.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [linking-uri-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/linking-uri-03-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [masking-intro-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-intro-01-f.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [masking-mask-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-mask-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [masking-opacity-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-opacity-01-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [masking-path-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-path-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [masking-path-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-path-02-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [masking-path-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-path-03-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [masking-path-04-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-path-04-b.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [masking-path-05-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/masking-path-05-f.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [metadata-example-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/metadata-example-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------------| | [painting-fill-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-fill-01-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [painting-fill-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-fill-02-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [painting-fill-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-fill-03-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [painting-fill-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-fill-04-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [painting-fill-05-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-fill-05-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [painting-marker-01-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-marker-01-f.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-marker-02-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-marker-02-f.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-marker-03-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-marker-03-f.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-render-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-render-01-b.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-stroke-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-stroke-01-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-stroke-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-stroke-02-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-stroke-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-stroke-03-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-stroke-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-stroke-04-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [painting-stroke-07-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/painting-stroke-07-t.svg) | partial | | |----------------------| | [paths-data-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-01-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-02-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-03-f](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-03-f.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-04-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-04-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-05-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-05-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-06-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-06-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-07-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-07-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-08-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-08-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-09-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-09-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-10-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-10-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-12-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-12-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-13-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-13-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-14-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-14-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [paths-data-15-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/paths-data-15-t.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [pservers-grad-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-02-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-03-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-04-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-04-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-05-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-05-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-06-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-06-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-07-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-07-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-08-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-08-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-09-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-09-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-10-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-10-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-11-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-11-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-12-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-12-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-13-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-13-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-14-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-14-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-15-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-15-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-16-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-16-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-17-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-17-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-18-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-18-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [pservers-grad-19-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-grad-19-b.svg) | no | Animation of gradients do not affect referencing elements. | |--------------------| | [pservers-pattern-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/pservers-pattern-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------------| | [render-elems-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-elems-01-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [render-elems-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-elems-02-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [render-elems-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-elems-03-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [render-elems-06-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-elems-06-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [render-elems-07-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-elems-07-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [render-elems-08-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-elems-08-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [render-groups-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-groups-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [render-groups-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/render-groups-03-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [script-handle-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/script-handle-01-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [script-handle-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/script-handle-02-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [script-handle-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/script-handle-03-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [script-handle-04-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/script-handle-04-b.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [shapes-circle-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-circle-01-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [shapes-circle-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-circle-02-t.svg) | yes | | |--------------------| | [shapes-ellipse-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-ellipse-01-t.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [shapes-ellipse-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-ellipse-02-t.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [shapes-intro-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-intro-01-t.svg) | yes | | |-------------------| | [shapes-line-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-line-01-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [shapes-polygon-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-polygon-01-t.svg) | yes | | |---------------------| | [shapes-polyline-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-polyline-01-t.svg) | yes | | |----------------------| | [shapes-rect-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-rect-01-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [shapes-rect-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/shapes-rect-02-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [struct-cond-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-cond-01-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [struct-cond-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-cond-02-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [struct-cond-03-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-cond-03-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [struct-defs-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-defs-01-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [struct-dom-01-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-dom-01-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [struct-dom-02-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-dom-02-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [struct-dom-03-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-dom-03-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [struct-dom-04-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-dom-04-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [struct-dom-05-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-dom-05-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [struct-dom-06-b](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-dom-06-b.svg) | yes | | |-----------------| | [struct-frag-01-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-frag-01-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | [struct-frag-02-t](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20061213/svg/struct-frag-02-t.svg) | yes | | |------------------| | 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