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History of Changes


Introduction and explanation of symbols

Changes are sorted by "type" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:add=add, fix=fix, update=update

Version Trunk (n/a)

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Added 60 seconds expiration for invalid URIs in the image cache to recover from temporarily unavailable images. Committed by JM.
  • add Added TexturePaint support for PSGraphics2D (PostScript tiling patterns). Committed by JM. Thanks to Jiří Kunhart. See Issue 46583.
  • add XMP framework: Added support for the structure property shorthand form and for specifying simple property values as attributes on rdf:Description elements. Committed by JM.
  • add Added RefinedImageFlavor to the image loading framework for better refinement of image flavors. Committed by JM.
  • fix Switched from linear RGB to sRGB for the fallback color model, in order to avoid trouble with some images (CMYK TIFF, for example). Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix: reset graphic state when a page is finished in PostScript. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix: glyph names starting with ‘u’ but not in the ‘official’ glyph list could cause a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException because they were parsed as u1234-like unicode values. Committed by VH.
  • fix Bugfix: Streams were not closed in Service class. Committed by JM.
  • fix Catching IllegalArgumentException in XMPSerializer when the Transformer implementation in use doesn't support the INDENT key. Committed by JM.
  • fix Added the ability to assign a string value for a key in a postscript dictionary. Committed by AC. Thanks to Jiří Kunhart. See Issue 46292.
  • fix Made loading images via Image I/O more robust: A PNG with a zero resolution should fall back to the default resolution. Committed by JM. See Issue 45789.
  • fix JPEGPreloader: Fixed interpretation of JPEG resolution when "dots per centimeter" is specified. Committed by JM. See Issue 45835.
  • fix Bugfix: Added missing start/endPrefixMapping() calls when serializing XMP packets. Committed by JM.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Adrian Cumiskey (AC), Jeremias Märki (JM), Vincent Hennebert (VH).

This is a list of other contributors:
Jiří Kunhart.

Version 1.3.1 (11 June 2008)

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Added fallbacks for Type 1 fonts which don't have the normal "one", "two" etc. glyphs, but actually only provide "oneoldstyle", "twooldstyle" etc. Committed by JM.
  • add Added an image loader for XML Graphics Commons' internal TIFF codec. Committed by JM.
  • add Added image processing hints to ignore an optionally embedded color profile in JPEG images. Committed by JM.
  • fix Made file URLs with a host (as happens when using UNC paths) work when loading images. Committed by JM. See Issue 44902.
  • fix Bugfix for classpath resources: the code doesn't just check the system class loader anymore. Committed by MB.
  • fix Bugfix for a potential multi-threading issue concerning the use of the java.text package. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix for extracting ICC color profiles from JPEG images. Committed by JM.
  • fix Fixed two cases of unclosed input streams in image loader code. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix for unhandled NumberFormatException in Glpyhs when a unknown glyph name starting with "u" is found. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix for ImageEncodingHelper which produced false results if an image's sample model used BGR instead of RGB. Committed by JM.
  • fix Fixed behaviour for the cases where a corrupt PNG image is encountered. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix for EOFException when pre-loading very small PNG images (file size < 88 bytes). Committed by JM.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Jeremias Märki (JM), Max Berger (MB).

Version 1.3 (07 Feb 2008)

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Image Loading: Support for passing in SAXSource instance. Committed by JM. Thanks to Adam Strzelecki. See Issue 44466.
  • add The package org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader was added. It contains a general image loading framework for various image formats (bitmap & vector). Committed by JM.
  • add XMP: Added support for structured properties. Committed by JM.
  • add PostScript: Added classes for "BoundingBox" DSC comments. Committed by JM.
  • add Added support for classpath resources (find files in JAR files in the classpath using their MIME type) Committed by JM. Thanks to Max Berger. See Issue 42980.
  • add Application of the patch in Bugzilla 43069: New Macro safe-set-page-device which guards against the possibility of invalid/unsupported postscript key/values being issued to the implementing postscript page device Committed by CB. Thanks to Adrian Cumiskey. See Issue 43069.
  • fix Bugfix for ISO 8601 date formatting with negative time zones in the XMP package. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix for XMP serialization: arrays with only one entry were serialized as simple property which could lead to information loss for merge operations. Committed by JM.
  • fix PostScript: Fixed %%EOF checking for nested documents. Committed by JM.
  • fix PostScript: Improved robustness of DSC parsing (multi-line comments with no value on the first line don't cause crashes anymore, fallback for unparsable DSC comments). Committed by JM.
  • fix Fixed a possible NPE in the TIFF codec (in the TIFFImage constructor). Committed by JM. Thanks to Sergey Orlov. See Issue 43120.
  • update Support for Java 1.3 has been dropped. Java 1.4 or later is required now. Committed by JM.
  • update PostScript: Improved PSImageUtils by introducing the ImageEncoder interface and allowing for streams instead of byte arrays for data transfer which can lower memory consumption. Committed by JM.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Chris Bowditch (CB), Jeremias Märki (JM).

This is a list of other contributors:
Adam Strzelecki, Adrian Cumiskey, Max Berger, Sergey Orlov.

Version 1.2 (21 July 2007)

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Added support for CMYK and GRAY color spaces for PSGenerator (moved there from PSGraphics2D). Committed by JM. Thanks to Adrian Cumiskey. See Issue 42507.
  • fix Fixed literal text string escaping in PSGenerator. Some characters were not properly escaped. Committed by JM.
  • fix Fixed the PDF/A namespace according to ISO-19005-1:2005/Cor.1:2007 and deprecated the use of the draft PDF/A namespace used by Adobe Acrobat 7.x. Committed by JM.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Jeremias Märki (JM).

This is a list of other contributors:
Adrian Cumiskey.

Version 1.1 (22 Dec 2006)

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Added the start of an XMP metadata framework. Committed by JM.
  • add ImageWriter abstraction now supports writing multi-page formats like TIFF. Committed by JM.
  • add ImageWriter implementation for TIFF output using Image I/O API. Committed by JM.
  • add Default implementation for AbstractGraphics2D.drawText(ACI, float, float) so PSGraphics2D supports painting text using the AttributedCharacterIterator. Committed by JM. Thanks to Max Berger.
  • fix Various fixes and improvements in the ImageWriter abstraction. Committed by JM.
  • fix Bugfix: The generation of the PostScript setdash command was assuming that only integer values can be used but that isn't the case. Committed by JM.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Jeremias Märki (JM).

This is a list of other contributors:
Max Berger.

Version 1.0 (17 Apr 2006)

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Initial release with several components from Batik and FOP: Image codecs, Image writer abstraction, I/O classes, Java2D helpers, PostScript library with Graphics2D implementation. Committed by JM.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Jeremias Märki (JM).

All Committers

This is a list of all people who have ever participated as committers on this project.

  • Max Berger (MB)
  • Chris Bowditch (CB)
  • Adrian Cumiskey (AC)
  • Christian Geisert (CG)
  • Vincent Hennebert (VH)
  • Clay Leeds (CL)
  • Jeremias Märki (JM)
  • Cameron McCormack (CM)
  • Simon Pepping (SP)
  • Volunteer needed (open)