This page provides information about how to access Batik's
source code. There are four main ways:
- The first, and prefered method for developers, is
through anonymouse Subversion. Anyone can checkout source code from
our anonymous SVN server. To do so, simply use the
following commands (if you are using a GUI SVN client,
configure it appropriately):
svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/batik/trunk/
- The second and probably easiest is by downloading a source
distribution. These are the packages that start
with 'batik-src'. These correspond to the major releases of
- The third is by downloading a nightly
build. The '-cvs-' packages contain a complete
copy of CVS for a given date (before the move to Subversion).
Snapshots of the SVN repository will be made available soon.
The '-src-' packages contain only what is needed to build and
run Batik. The biggest difference being that SVN includes the
test infrastructure.
- The fourth is through viewcvs. This provides the ability to traverse
the SVN repository over the web, and check differences
between versions. This is generally only useful for tracking
a small number of files/changes.