Tests of the XSL-FO text-transform property text-transform="none" All characters should be left intact. In this example, only the first character of each sentence should be capitalized. text-transform="uppercase" Everything in this paragraph should be upper case. text-transform="lowercase" Everything in this paragraph should be lower case. text-transform="capitalize" In this test, and all tests in this section, the first character of each word should be uppercase, and nothing else, unless otherwise noted. apostrophe or right single quote?: homer simpson’s biggest ‘problem’ is probably not Bart. ugly ASCII apostrophe or single quote?: Don't use a straight apostrophe when you have a 'real' one available. unusual punctuation: the man from u.n.c.l.e. (All characters in the last word should be uppercase). em-dash: indicates a new word—like this. en-dash: indicates a new word–like this. hyphenation: The post-hyphen portion of a word should not be capitalized. this-expression-should-all-be-treated-as-one-word-and-should-continue-on-following-lines-as-one-word. automatic hyphenation: Internationalization disambiguation. Internationalization disambiguation. Internationalization disambiguation. Internationalization disambiguation. Internationalization disambiguation. Internationalization disambiguation. nested wrappers: Only the first character of the following word should be capitalized: extensible.