
Running FOP

Getting involved


What's Implemented?

The following formatting objects and properties of the xsl-fo candidate recommendation are implemented.Please have also a look at the section on limitations

1) Formatting Objects

This section follows the table "B Formatting Object Summary" in the xsl:fo specification. At the end of each sub-section you find listed what is not implemented.

B.1 Declaration and Pagination and Layout Formatting Objects
  • root
  • page-sequence
  • page-sequence-master
  • single-page-master-reference
  • repeatable-page-master-reference
  • repeatable-page-master-alternatives
  • conditional-page-master-reference
  • layout-master-set
  • simple-page-master
  • region-body
  • region-before
  • region-after
  • flow
  • static-content

Not implemented: region-start, region-end, declarations, color-profile, title

B.2 Block Formatting Objects
  • block

Not implemented: block-container

B.3 Inline Formatting Objects
  • character
  • external-graphic
  • inline
  • instream-foreign-object
  • leader
  • page-number
  • page-number-citation, see limitations

Not implemented: bidi-override, initial-property-set, inline-container

B.4 Table Formatting Objects
  • table
  • table-body
  • table-cell
  • table-column
  • table-footer
  • table-header
  • table-row

Not implemented: table-and-caption, table-caption

B.5 List Formatting Objects
  • list-block
  • list-item
  • list-item-body
  • list-item-label

B.6 Link and Multi Formatting Objects
  • basic-link (internal and external)

Not implemented: multi-switch, multi-case, multi-toggle, multi-properties, multi-property-set

B.7 Out-of-line Formatting Objects
  • footnote
  • footnote-body

Not implemented: float

B.8 Other Formatting Objects
  • wrapper

Not implemented: marker, retrieve-marker

2) Properties

Property values can be computed. Compound properties are also understood by Fop.

  • background-color
  • blank-or-not-blank
  • border-after-color
  • border-after-style
  • border-after-width
  • border-before-color
  • border-before-style
  • border-before-width
  • border-bottom
  • border-bottom-color
  • border-bottom-style
  • border-bottom-width
  • border-color (only one value allowed)
  • border-end-color
  • border-end-style
  • border-end-width
  • border-left
  • border-left-color
  • border-left-style
  • border-left-width
  • border-right
  • border-right-color
  • border-right-style
  • border-right-width
  • border-start-color
  • border-start-style
  • border-start-width
  • border-style
  • border-top
  • border-top-color
  • border-top-style
  • border-top-width
  • border-width
  • bottom
  • break-after
  • break-before
  • character
  • color
  • column-count
  • column-gap
  • column-width
  • country
  • end-indent
  • extent
  • external-destination
  • flow-name
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • font-style
  • font-weight
  • height
  • hyphenate
  • hyphenation-character
  • hyphenation-push-character-count
  • hyphenation-remain-character-count
  • id
  • initial-page-number
  • internal-destination
  • keep-with-next (broken)
  • language
  • leader-alignment (not value "page")
  • leader-length (see limitations)
  • leader-pattern (not value "use-content")
  • leader-pattern-width
  • left
  • line-height
  • margin-bottom (only on pages and regions)
  • margin-left (only on pages and regions)
  • margin-right (only on pages and regions)
  • margin-top (only on pages and regions)
  • master-name
  • maximum-repeats
  • number-columns-spanned
  • odd-or-even
  • padding (only one value allowed)
  • padding-after
  • padding-before
  • padding-bottom (only in conjunction with background color)
  • padding-end
  • padding-left (only in conjunction with background color)
  • padding-right (only in conjunction with background color)
  • padding-start
  • padding-top (only in conjunction with background color)
  • page-height
  • page-position
  • page-width
  • position (allowed values: "static" (default),"relative", "absolute", fixed )
  • provisional-distance-between-starts
  • provisional-label-separation
  • ref-id
  • region-name
  • right
  • rule-style
  • rule-thickness
  • space-after.optimum
  • space-before.optimum
  • span
  • src
  • start-indent
  • table-omit-footer-at-break
  • table-omit-header-at-break
  • text-align
  • text-align-last
  • text-decoration
  • text-indent
  • top
  • white-space-collapse
  • width
  • wrap-option

All other properties are not implemented.

3) SVG elements supported
  • rect
  • circle
  • line
  • text - tref, tspan
  • path
  • polygon
  • ellipse
  • g
  • svg (inside)
  • image
  • use
  • defs (including referenced items not in defs element)
  • linearGradient
  • radialGradient
  • stop

4) SVG properties supported
  • style
  • fill (style)
  • stroke (style)
  • stroke-width (style)
  • stroke-dasharray (style)
  • stroke-offset (style)
  • stroke-linecap (style)
  • stroke-linejoin (style)
  • stroke-miterlimit (style)
  • stop-color (style)
  • color (style)
  • font (style)
  • font-size (style)
  • font-family (style)
  • font-weight (style)
  • font-style (style)
  • x
  • y
  • x1
  • y1
  • x2
  • y2
  • r
  • cx
  • cy
  • x (list)
  • y (list)
  • dx
  • dy
  • transform
  • rotate (transform)
  • translate (transform)
  • scale (transform)
  • matrix (transform)
  • skewX (transform)
  • skewY (transform)
  • d
  • id
  • width
  • height
  • xlink:href
  • refX
  • refY
  • offset
  • points
  • fx
  • fy

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