$Id$ ============================================================================== APACHE XML GRAPHICS COMMONS - README ============================================================================== Contents of this file: - What is Apache XML Graphics Commons? - Where to get help? - How do I build Apache XML Graphics Commons? - Legal information - Release Notes ============================================================================== What is Apache XML Graphics Commons? --------------------------------------- It is a place where the Apache Batik and Apache FOP share commonly used components. Many components in here are also usable and useful stand-alone. Documentation --------------------- The documentation can be found under: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/commons/ Where to get help? --------------------- Please subscribe to the general@xmlgraphics.apache.org mailing list by sending an empty mail to general-subscribe@xmlgraphics.apache.org. All you questions about XML Graphics Commons will be answered there. Please report bugs to bugzilla at http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/ How do I build Apache XML Graphics Commons? ---------------------------------------------- If you've downloaded a binary distribution of Apache FOP or Apache Batik, you don't need to build XML Graphics Commons. It is distributed with these two products. Otherwise, install Apache Ant (http://ant.apache.org) and run "ant" from the command-line in the directory where you find "build.xml". Legal information -------------------- Apache XML Graphics Commons is published under the Apache License version 2.0. For the license text, please see the following files: - LICENSE - NOTICE Legal information on libraries used by Apache XML Graphics Commons, i.e. its dependencies, can be found in the "lib/README.txt" file. Apache XML Graphics Commons contains unmodified copies of the Adobe Glyph List and the ITC Zapf Dingbats Glyph List, available from: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/archives/glyph.html License labeling (according to http://www.apache.org/legal/3party.html): - Multi-Licensed - Source Available - No Reciprocity Required ============================================================================== KNOWN ISSUES ============================================================================== - PostScript output: When TexturePaint is used with PSGraphics2D, the output violates the DSC specification. Extracting single pages from a multi-page PostScript file can result in errors. ============================================================================== RELEASE NOTES ============================================================================== For more detailed info about the changes, please see: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/commons/changes.html Version 1.3.1 -------------- This release is mostly a bugfix release for the image loading framework that has been introduced in version 1.3. Version 1.3 -------------- The most important addition in this release is an image loading framework which supports all sorts of different image formats (bitmap and vector) and is highly extensible. Besides that there were a larger number of smaller additions and bugfixes. Support for Java 1.3 has been dropped. Java 1.4 or later is required now. Version 1.2 -------------- This release mainly adds support for CMYK and GRAY color spaces for PSGenerator. Version 1.1 -------------- This release adds an XMP metadata framework and brings improvements for the ImageWriter package plus some minor fixes mainly in the PostScript area. Version 1.0 -------------- This is the first release of Apache XML Graphics Commons. There are currently no known issues with the code.