$Id$ ============================================================================== APACHE XML GRAPHICS COMMONS - README ============================================================================== Contents of this file: - What is Apache XML Graphics Commons? - Where to get help? - How do I build Apache XML Graphics Commons? - Release Notes ============================================================================== What is Apache XML Graphics Commons? --------------------------------------- It is a place where the Apache Batik and Apache FOP share commonly used components. Many components in here are also usable and useful stand-alone. Where to get help? --------------------- Please subscribe to the general@xmlgraphics.apache.org mailing list by sending an empty mail to general-subscribe@xmlgraphics.apache.org. All you questions about XML Graphics Commons will be answered there. Please report bugs to bugzilla at http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/ How do I build Apache XML Graphics Commons? ---------------------------------------------- If you've downloaded a binary distribution of Apache FOP or Apache Batik, you don't need to build XML Graphics Commons. It is distributed with these two products. Otherwise, install Apache Ant (http://ant.apache.org) and run "ant" from the command-line in the directory where you find "build.xml". ============================================================================== RELEASE NOTES ============================================================================== Version 1.0 -------------- This is the first release of Apache XML Graphics Commons. There are currently no known issues with the code.