Changes in V2.4.0 since V2.3.0 * Pluggable XPath/XQuery engine support * Upgraded support for Saxon 9 * Added Schema compilation option to skip errors in case duplicate component declarations are encountered. * Finer grained support for CDATA * Tool to generate XPath for a given cursor position in a document * added more fine-grained control over XML to Java name mapping * Add support for JVM-supported encodings * Adding XmlError codes * Replace static HashMaps with WeakHashMaps * Fix for XMLBEANS-309 Warnings on Generated code * Fix for XMLBEANS-361 invalid NaN comparisons * Fix qname marshaling when empty namespace * Various other bug fixes Changes in V2.3.0 since V2.2.0 * Improved Saxon support, Saxon 8.8 became the recommended version * Added options to control use of CDATA sections when saving to XML * Added support for QNames in Schema annotations * Added support for new encodings: UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, CP936/GBK. * Fix: overzealous whitespace cropping after parsing entities like & (XMLBEANS-274) * Fix: selectPath() with setXqueryCurrentNodeVar() option does not work for Saxon (XMLBEANS-276) * Fix: synchronization problem with array setters * Fix: Saver$TextSaver.replace method throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (XMLBEANS-209) * Fix: QNameSet generated by QNameSet.forArray(QName[]) can't be unioned with other QNameSets (XMLBEANS-290) * Fix: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when saving XML (XMLBEANS-291) * Fix: XQuery gives wrong result with Saxon 8.6.1 (XMLBEANS-275) * Fix: bug during generation of complex types with simple content * Fix: improved error handling during loading of Schema type system * Fix: bugs in Duration serialization * Fix: XMLCursor.getTextValue() * Fix: Remove year zero from GDate, GDateBuilder and XmlCalendar per XMLSchema spec D.3.2 Changes in v2.2.0 since v2.1.0: * Allow polymorphism in Extension Interfaces Feature * Fix for circular buffer in TextSaver * Tuned synchronization for multithreaded validation * Updated to the latest XMLSchema.xsd - January 25, 2006 * Better QName validation * Fix insertion positions when using substitution groups with arrays * Updated XmlBeans to work with SaxonB-8.6.1 in place of SaxonB8.1 * Fix for regex validation in multi-threaded, multi-processor environment * Fix for schema compilation error when restricting complex type with simple content * Implemented XMLInputStream interface for saving a store * XQuery external variable binding support * Various other bug fixes Changes in v2.1.0 since v2.0.0: * Fixed the issue whereby some IDEs would have problems with the TypeSystemHolder class being generated in the classes directory * Better integration with Maven * Implemented support for ID/IDREF in DTDs via DOM's .getElementByID() * Integrated a patch that makes XmlBeans work in a sandboxed environment * Added the ability to control entitization of characters when saving documents * Fixed issue with memory reclamation in multi-threaded environments, which was delayed too much so it could be mistaken for a memory leak * Added numerous new test cases and performance tests * Continued improving performance, especially in the DOM support and XmlCursor areas * Added column numbers support in our snapshot of Piccolo; validation and XMLSchema error reporting benefit from this and is of course usable from user code * Line/column number is now also available for end-tags * Solved a legal inconsistency surrounding our use of JSR173 APIs * Fixed a lot of reported issues in various areas of the product Changes in v2.0.0 since v2.0.0-beta1: * many performance related changes, especialy in the DOM and Cursor areas * rewrite of the support * Completed the implementation of Filer * new documentation on xs:any, validation plus updates of the old docs * many bug fixes, including perm gen memory bug Changes in v2.0.0-beta1: * new store implementation, including native DOM implementation * Piccolo is now the default parser.XmlOptions.setLoadUseXMLReader (XMLReader xmlReader) can be used when a diffrent parser is required. * Sample xml generation from an schema file * New failfast behavior for simple types, more consistent * EntityResolver is setable in SchemaCompiler * XPath 2.0 and Xquery support through Saxon * java 1.5 generics for array properties added to generated source * Simplified working with substitution groups by adding XmlObject.substitute() method * "-noVDoc" command-line option for scomp to skip validation of contents * uniform access to the getSourceName() method in Schema Object Model * Cleaned up schema compilation APIs with a XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans() * Added error codes and improved validation error messages * Changed .xsb format and loading strategy to improve performance * Ability to pass URLs instead of Files for Wsdl/Schemas * Added option to pass in "##local" to -allowmdef * Inst2xsd: support for xsi:nil and qname fix. * adding getCurrentElementSchemaType in Validator for finding schema types of elements with xsi:type attribute * adding ValidatingInfoXMLStreamReader for PSVI access on XMLStreamReaders * added Location to streaming validation errors * Instance 2 schema tool * Support for arbitrarily nesting s * New "schema bookmark" mechanism allowing one to tag user data on Schema Object Model entities * Add ability for XmlSaxHandler to insert bookmarks while loading * Added a diff utility that compares two jars (or directories) containing compiled Schema types * Interface and pre-post extensions * Enabled ValidatingXMLStreamReader to start validating from both current and next event in the XMLStreamReader * Functionality to retrieve xml validation errors programatically * Added saver options to not save xml decl * Added ability to compile Schemas containing references to SOAP11 encoded arrays * selectChildren and selectAttributes for dynamic getters and some wildcard scenarios * Location in ValidatingXmlStreamReader * Added a wrapper over jsr173's XMLStreamReader * Added support for default value in XMLStreamReaderExt interface and implementation * Adding typed value for QName case in the Validator * Adding an utility for validation of simple schema types * Improved the Validator to ofer PSVI info * Exposed some of the XMLSchema validator functionality in the public interfaces * Added support for XML Catalog, based on Apache Commons CatalogResolver * Added XMLStreamReaderExt an extention of XMLStreamReader which alowes getting strongly typed java values from a stream * Adds support for annotations in XMLSchema * Added JSR 173 support * performance tests * various feature tests * samples and documentation * packaging, licencing changes