# # Default project properties for xmlbean V1 # # Indicates the directory that schema files can be found (*.xsd): maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.schema=src/xmlbeans # Files to include in schema build: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.includes=**/*.xsd # Files to exclude from schema build: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.excludes= # Directory to put compiled files into: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.classgendir=${maven.build.dir}/classes # Whether to only generate source (.java) files from the schema(s) or not: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.srconly=false # Directory to put the generated source files: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.srcgendir=${maven.build.dir}/xmlbeans/src # Jar file containing the compiled XMLBeans and resources: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.destfile=${maven.build.dir}/xmlbeans/${maven.final.name}.jar # Indicates if the generated source should be compiled with debug information: maven.xmlbeans.xmlbean.debug=false