TO DO when updating the website: -------------------------------- 1. have tree checked out svn co xmlbeans-site 2. make sure you're using forrest 0.8 3. modify files in ./src 4. make sure you tun jdk1.5 (forrest 0.8 with jdk1.6 ends with a rng validation error) - java -version is 1.5 export PATH=path_to_jdk15:$PATH set PATH=path_to_jdk1.5\bin;%PATH% - JAVA_HOME points to 1.5 jdk set JAVA_HOME=path+to_jdk15 5. run forrest - will generate all files in build path_to_forrest0.8/forrest site 6. make sure you svn add any new files svn status svn add ... 7. checkin changes src and build svn ci 8. login into ssh 9. update site from svn repo in: cd /www/ svn up