# # Property file for the contributor.xml build script. # # Version: $Revision$ $Date$ # Author: Vladimir R. Bossicard (vladimir@bossicard.com) # Author: Gary Shea (shea@gtsdesign.com) # # location of the Jakarta Tomcat directory. Modify and uncomment this property # if you don't want Xindice to use the TOMCAT_HOME directory (of if this # environment variable is not set). # tomcat.home=/usr/local/java/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12 # The host:port where the xindice server is running. # This property is used by the test-integration-xmlrpc target. # Defaults to "localhost:8080". # test.xmlrpc.hostport=localhost:8080 # The location of the Xindice directory in the # local portion of the http namespace. # For tomcat, a webapp named Xindice.war is automatically # deployed as /Xindice. # This property is used by the test-integration-xmlrpc target. # Defaults to "/Xindice/". # test.xmlrpc.service-location=/Xindice/ # The SAX parser to be used by Apace XmlRpc. # Apache XmlRpc has an internal list of keywords for known # parsers; the following list is given in terms of those keywords. # The test.xmlrpc.driver value may be set to either the # keyword or the full classname. # Tested: # xerces [org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser] ok # xp [com.jclark.xml.sax.Driver] NOT ok # net.sf.saxon.aelfred.SAXDriver ok # This is a re-packaging of an early aelfred version. # # This property is used by the test-integration-xmlrpc target. # test.xmlrpc.driver=xerces