See docs/LICENSE for The Xindice License Xindice Version 1.0 UNIX installation. Before anything, you're going to need Sun's Java SDK version 1.3 or higher. The last time we tested it, IBM's JDK 1.3.0 for Linux was known to break with a SIG11 on insertion of documents. This may have changed in more recent releases. How to install: (Use this process if you downloaded a binary distribution) Note: these instructions are for UNIX if you are installing on windows see 1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of your jdk installation. For instance if your jdk is installed in /usr/local/java you would set JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java 2. Set the XINDICE_HOME environment variable to the location where you extracted the Xindice distribution. For instance if you extracted to /usr/local then you would set XINDICE_HOME=/usr/local/Xindice 3. Start the Xindice server. Type: cd $XINDICE_HOME ./start 4. The Xindice server should now be running on and can be accessed through a web browser at http://localhost:4080/ or at gopher://localhost:4070 5. Skip to the what can I do with it section below. How to build: (Use this process if you want to build from source) Note: these instructions are for UNIX if you are building on windows see 1. Make sure the java bin directory is in your PATH environment variable. 2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of your jdk installation. For instance if your jdk is installed in /usr/local/java you would set JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java 3. Set the XINDICE_HOME environment variable to the location where you extracted the Xindice distribution. For instance if you extracted to /usr/local then you would set XINDICE_HOME=/usr/local/Xindice 4. You are now prepared to build. Type: cd $XINDICE_HOME ant 5. Build the javadoc documentation (optional) Type ant javadoc 6. Start the Xindice server. Type: cd $XINDICE_HOME ./start 7. The Xindice server should now be running. 8. Skip to the what can I do with it section below. What can I do with it: The place to start from here is to take a look at the documentation. This can be accessed by pointing your browser to http://localhost:4080/. The Users Guide is probably a good place to start. Also in the Xindice/java/examples directory are some simple example programs that show you the basics of working with the server.