include Makefile.incl # Makefile for directory . # # This makefile depends on the following environment variables # already being defined: # # JAVAC Java compiler (with options) # RM Host delete file command (with options) # # In addition, the CLASSPATH environment variable must # include the absolute path of the base source directory. TARGETS=org/apache/xang/xap \ org/apache/xang/util \ org/apache/xang/util/encoding \ org/apache/xang/net/http/object/impl SUBDIRS= PROJECT=Xang PROJ_ROOT = d:/projects/apache/modules/xml-xang CLASS_DIR = java/src/classes all: dirs compile dirs: @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; \ do \ (echo Making ${PROJECT} in $$i; $(MAKE) -C $$i ); \ done compile: ${TARGETS} @for i in $(TARGETS) ; \ do \ ( echo Compiling $$i; \ cd $$i ; \ ${JAVAC} -g -d $(PROJ_ROOT)/$(CLASS_DIR) *.java; \ cd ${PWD} ); \ done .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .class .java .java.class: ${JAVAC} $< clean: ${MAKE} -C org clean apidocs: ../docs/apiDocs/index.html ../docs/apiDocs/index.html: classfiles_updated ${JDK12BIN}/javadoc -windowtitle "${PROJECT} ${PRODUCVERSION_DOT} API" \ -splitindex -header "${PROJECT} ${PRODUCTVERSION_DOT}" \ -version \ -d ../docs/apiDocs ${PACKAGES} jars: source samples source: ../bin/${JARFILE} ../bin/${JARFILE}: classfiles_updated ######################################### #copy the .class files under src #-src/org/apache/xang/ ${MKDIR} ../class/org/apache/xang ${CPR} ../src/org/apache/xang/*.class ../class/org/apache/xang #make the first jar file echo ${PRODUCTVERSION}> ../class/${PROJECT}_Ver_${PRODUCTVERSION}.info cd ../class;${JAR} ../bin/${JARFILE} *.info org; cd ../src ################################### #copy the .class files under samples samples: ../bin/${SAMPLESJARFILE} ../bin/${SAMPLESJARFILE}: classfiles_updated #-samples/dom ${MKDIR} ../class/xang ${CP} ../samples/xang/*.class ../class/xang #Make the second jar file cd ../class;${JAR} ../bin/${SAMPLESJARFILE} ${PROJECT}_Ver_${PRODUCTVERSION}.info dom sax ui;cd ../src # copy the license, ANT build file, Status file, and READMEs ${CP} ../build.xml ../README ../Readme.html ../STATUS ../bin package_src: ################################################## #copy the .java .dtd files under src #-src/org/apache/xang ${MKDIR} ../source/src/org/apache/xang ${CPR} ../src/org/apache/xang/*.java ../source/src/org/apache/xang ################################### #copy the .xap files under samples #-samples/xap ${MKDIR} ../source/samples/xap ${CP} ../samples/xap/*.xap ../source/samples/xap ######################################### #copy the Makefiles under src #-src/org/apache/xang ${CP} ../src/org/apache/xang/Makefile ../source/src/org/apache/xang ### #copy the Makefiles and the batch files at higher levels #-source ${CP} ../Makefile ../source #-source ${CP} ../BuildAll.bat ../source #-source ${CP} ../BuildAll ../source #-src ${CP} ../src/Makefile ../source/src #-src ${CP} ../src/Makefile.incl ../source/src #-src/org ${CP} ../src/org/Makefile ../source/src/org #-src/org/apache ${CP} ../src/org/apache/Makefile ../source/src/org/apache #-src/org/apache/xang ${CP} ../src/org/apache/xang/Makefile ../source/src/org/apache/xang ################################### #copy the Makefiles under samples ### #copy higher levels Makefiles #-samples ${CP} ../samples/Makefile ../source/samples # copy the license, ANT build file, Status file, and READMEs ${CP} ../build.xml ../README ../Readme.html ../STATUS ../source