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Related Resource Links

Tools for Access and Administration
XMLdbGUI XMLdbGUI is a Swing-based Java application that allows the user to browse and modify databases conforming to the XML:DB API specification.
Attrezzo per Xindice Attrezzo per Xindice is a graphical front end for Xindice which is based on Eclipse.
Yab YAB is a Java Explorer-like browser for Xindice. It can be used to directly manage the collections stored in Xindice, add new collections, remove or add new XML documents, etc.
Xindice Browser This is a tool to browse a local Xindice database.
phpXindice These are PHP-based Xindice access and management tools.
Xindice XML-RPC Interface A Xindice XML-RPC API that may be used with Java, PHP, Perl, AppleScript (Mac OS X), or any language with an XML-RPC binding.


Configuration Help - User Contributed Pages
Getting started with Xindice 1.1 Tom Dyson's tips on running the Xindice v1.1 alpha code.
Xindice Hints (v1.0) Installation and performance tips from Dr. Klemens Waldhor
Xindice and Zope Wiki Xindice Zope API documentation from Robert Christof


DevX Apache's Xindice Organizes XML Data Without Schema
xmlhack Xindice 1.0 Released - Article at xmlhack dot com
O'Reilly's XML Xindice (dbXml) Browser - O'Reilly's xml dot com Resource Guide
golem (German) Apache Software Foundation Stellt Xindice fertig - Article at golem dot com


XML Technology - Tips & Tutorials
ZVON ZVON Xpath Tutorial
W3C Schools W3C Schools Xpath Tutorial
Mulberry Tech Mulberry Tech XSL Mailing List
BigList XSL Mailing List Archive at BigList dot com
WROX WROX XSL Mailing List
PerfectXML XSLT Tips at PerfectXML dot com
XML Databases Kimbro Staken's take on XML Databases technology


Who is Using Xindice?
xmlBlaster xmlBlaster Message-Oriented Middleware supports persistent XML messaging with Xindice.
CocoBlog CocoBlog is a Cocoon and Xindice-based weblogging software tool developed by Ugo Cei.
SiXDML Simple XML Data Manipulation Language (SiXDML)
You! Is your commercial or open software solution using Xindice? Drop us a line so we can list your application here.


by Vladimir R. Bossicard, J. Carroll

version 513115