apache > xml.apache > xindice

Dev Zone


The Xindice team is currently preparing a major release and try to catch up with the numerous points still open. These pages describe what has been done but also the amount of work that still needs to be done. If you have interest in the project, your help is welcome!

Development Status

The project really needs your help in the following areas:

  • bug reports: according to the number of bugs found in the bug database, Xindice has almost no bugs at all. Well the experience shows that the reality is different. We can't fix bugs if we don't know where they are! So if you find a bug, please report it with information.
  • new documentation: everyone who uses Xindice must contribute to the documentation. Period. Simply read the guides, correct the mistakes and send a patch would already help tremendoulsy.
  • accurate how-tos: installing Xindice is for a lot of users a real nightmare. And this shouldn't be the case. The goal is to provide simple and detailed how-tos. If you are installing Xindice, please follow the how-to and review its accuracy. If there is none, you'll have to write and and send it to use.
  • local patches: if you have locally modified Xindice to fix a bug, please provide a patch! Or at least discuss the modifications on the mailing list.

by Vladimir R. Bossicard

version 598114