
Xang 1.0.0

Getting Started


Sample Apps

Usage Patterns

Release Notes

Bug reporting


The Xang system extends the behavior of existing web servers to allow authors to create applications that respond to requests and generate dynamic output synthesized from different data sources.

A Xang application is defined by a single .XAP file that aggregates multiple data sources, makes that data URL addressable and defines custom methods to access that data. These custom methods can be invoked through simple HTTP requests, via a Web browser or simple client side API.

Data sources are aggregated into one unified hierarchy via XML includes and Java plug-ins which implement the standard DOM APIs. These plug-ins provide two-way access to the data via the DOM API.

Xang applications are made available by making the .XAP file Web accessible. Either copy the relevant files and folders to a location on your Web server or use your Web server to map a virtual folder to the Xang application folder.

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