
Xang 1.0.0

Getting Started


Sample Apps

Usage Patterns

Release Notes

Bug reporting

Downloading what you need

To use Xang, you need the following:

  • Web Server
  • Java Servlet Engine
  • xang.jar - The Apache Xang Engine
  • xerces.jar - The Apache XML Parser
  • xalan.jar - The Apache XSLT Processor
  • - Free ECMAScript Interpreter


If you plan to use XSLT extensions, you need bsf.jar and bsfengines.jar, both of which are included in the Xalan distribution. If you plan to run XSLT extensions implemented in JavaScript or another scripting language, you will need one or more additional files as indicated in the Xalan XSLT extensions language requirements.

Setting up the Java environment

The Apache Xang engine is currently implemented as a Java Servlet. You must include xang.jar, xalan.jar, xerces.jar and in the Servlet class path. Consult your Servlet engine documentation for detailed instructions.

The Xang servlet needs to be registered with your Servlet engine. The servlet class name is:

The servlet initialization parameters are: config=full-path/to/your/xang.cfg

For the Apache JServ servlet engine, this is the configuration information to place in to register the Xang servlet:

In addition, the Web server or Servlet engine needs to be configured to pass requests to files with a .XAP extension to the Xang servlet. Consult your Servlet engine documentation for detailed instructions.

For the Apache JServ servlet engine, this is the configuration information to place in to register the Xang servlet:\projects\apache\modules\xml-xang\java\src\org\apache\xang\xap\xang.cfg For the Apache JServ servlet engine, this is the configuration information to place in the jserv.conf for getting the Xang servlet to handle .xap files:
ApJServAction .xap /servlets/

To run XSLT extensions, include bsf.jar and bsfengines.jar. All these JAR files are distributed with Xalan. For extensions implemented in JavaScript or another scripting language, see the Xalan extensions language requirements to identify any additional JAR files you must place on the class path and where you can get them.

Trying out the samples

The Xang distribution includes a basic sample application. These samples are easy to run, and you can review the source files -- all of which are brief -- to see just how they work.

Xang applications are made available by making the .XAP file Web accessible. Either copy the relevant files and folders to a location on your Web server or use your Web server to map a virtual folder to the Xang application folder.

For more information on setting up applications, see Basic Usage Patterns.

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