
Xalan-J 1.0.0

Getting Started


Sample Apps
Command Line
Usage Patterns

Java API

Xalan DTM

Release Notes

Bug reporting
Xalan C++

What is it?

Xalan is an XSL processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. Xalan-J Version 1.0.0 represents a complete and a robust reference Java implementation of the W3C Recommendations for XSL Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path Language (XPath).

Xalan can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module in other program. By default, it uses the Xerces XML parser, but it can interface to any XML parser that conforms to the DOM level 2 or SAX level 1 specification.

How do I get it?

Download and unzip either of the following:

Where do I get the Xerces XML parser?

The Xalan dowload includes xerces.jar from Xerces-J 1.0.3. This is all you need to run Xalan. You can, however, download the complete Xerces distribution from the Distribution directory.

What else do I need?

You need the Java Development Kit or Java Runtime 1.1.8 or 1.2.2, which you can obtain from or

For more information...

For more information, go to Xalan Overview and Getting Started. All of the documentation is included in the Xalan download, as are a number of samples to help you start using Xalan to transform XML documents.

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