Changelog for "Apache xml-security" New in v1.2.1 * Fix the memory leak when using xpath or using ResourceResolver and not hitting getElementByIdUsingDOM() [] * Fix the bug with using XPath2Filter and inclusive c14n * Fix the bug arrouse in reusing Canonicalizers * Fix base64transformation bug [ ] * Fix the XMLsignatureInput reset() bug. * Clean unused jar (xmlParserAPI.jar,etc) and check and stored new versions. * generated the dist jar with version (i.e. xmlsec-1.2.1.jar instead of plain xmlsec.jar) * Clean unused build*.xml files. ############################################################################## # New in v1.0.3 24. May 2002 ############################################################################## IMPORTANT: - The different classes do not call Init.init() any longer. This must be done by YOU in your application. If you miss that, you'll get many AlgorithmNotRegistered exceptions... -------------------------------- Summary: - The software is faster. Especially canonicalization is between factor 5--80 faster than the old one. - Some deprecated methods in the Canonicalizer are deleted. - We support Exclusive Canonicalization - We support the XPath Filter version 2.0 Draft. -------------------------------- Optimizations and speed-up - canonicalization - inclusive c14n is now faster (factor between 5 and 80) - transforms - enveloped-signature is now faster (no XPath ops any more) - base64 is now faster (no XPath ops any more) - c14n is now faster (due to faster c14n algo) -------------------------------- Signature package: - The XMLSignatureInput which is used for passing node sets and octet streams into transforms and which is also the result of transforms uses a java.util.Set now instead of a NodeList for the internal representation of xpath node sets. This allows easier queries in the form: Is node N part of the node set. The implication is that you can also pass a Set which contains the nodes to be canonicalized to the Canonicalizers using public byte[] canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(Set xpathNodeSet) -------------------------------- Canonicalizer: - A bug (well, my understanding of c14n) is corrected regarding the canonicalization of node sets. That bug related to the xml:* attributes. See xmldsig mailing list archive @ for details. - removed are the methods - public byte[] canonicalize(Node node) - public byte[] canonicalizeDocument(Document doc) - public byte[] canonicalizeSingleNode(Node rootNode) replaced by public byte[] canonicalizeSubtree(Node node) - public byte[] canonicalize(NodeList xpathNodeSet) replaced by public byte[] canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(NodeList xpathNodeSet) - public void setXPath(Object xpath) - public Object getXPath() - public String getXPathString() - public void setXPathNodeSet(NodeList nodeList) These are no longer in use. If you want to c14nize an xpath node set, select it using CachedXPathAPI and then apply canonicalizeXPathNodeSet to the node set. - public void setRemoveNSAttrs(boolean remove) - public boolean getRemoveNSAttrs() The c14nizers do not add any attributes (namespaces or xml:*) to the document, so these method make no sense. - The Canonicalizer now supports "Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0" , Rev 1.58. For that reason, the c14n methods allow an additional String parameter for passing the inclusive namespaces. public byte[] canonicalizeSubtree(Node node, String inclusiveNamespaces) public byte[] canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(NodeList xpathNodeSet, String inclusiveNamespaces) Such a string looks e.g. like this String inclusiveNamespaces = "ds xenc ex #default"; For more on exclusive c14n, see the spec. If you pass this parameter to the regular (inclusive) c14nizer, you'll get a CanonicalizationException("c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation") -------------------------------- Transforms: - The exclusive c14n is also supported by the transform framework. The parameter for the inclusive namespaces is the class If you want to make a Transform like this, do that: Document doc = ...; Transforms transforms = new Transforms(doc); InclusiveNamespaces incNS = new InclusiveNamespaces(doc, "ns2"); transforms.addTransform(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS, incNS.getElement()); - The XPathContainer for the XPath transform is now moved from the package to - The enveloped-signature transform is faster now. We don't do costly XPath operations but 'simple' DOM ops. - Base64 is faster (no XPath ops). - The TransformXPath2Filter is now supported by the package. It can be used by using the identifier Transforms.TRANSFORM_XPATH2FILTER in conjuction with the XPath2FilterContainer for passing parameters. To know what xfilter2 is, see : Document doc = ...; Transforms transforms = new Transforms(doc); XPath2FilterContainer x2c = // intersect XPath2FilterContainer.newInstanceIntersect(doc, "//a"); // subtract XPath2FilterContainer.newInstanceSubtract(doc, "//a"); // union XPath2FilterContainer.newInstanceUnion(doc, "//a"); transforms.addTransform(Transforms.TRANSFORM_XPATH2FILTER, x2c.getElement()); --------------------------------