XML Examples

This release includes examples showing XML and how it can be used:
  1. Sample XML Files
  2. Printing a DOM Tree
  3. SAX Program to Count Tags
  4. Building XML Documents with DOM
  5. Using SAX Directly
  6. Text Transcoding

The most recent example programs include a cross-platform ant build file that can be used to build and run the example. Ant is a build tool similar to make on Unix and nmake on WindowsNT that is also an XML application. To use ant, download it from the website and read the install docs. Alternatively, you can also view the ant build.xml file to see what needs to be done to manually compile and run an example program on your platform.

Older example programs that are marked "needs updating" are also included and generally do not have ant build files. They are included here in case you may want to modify them on your own.

Sample XML Files

A handful of sample XML files have been provided in the "samples" directory:

Printing a DOM Tree

One of the first things many programmers want to know is how to read an XML file and generate a DOM Document object from it. Use the DOMEcho example to learn how to do this in three steps. The important lines are:

        // Step 1: create a DocumentBuilderFactory
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

        // Step 2: create a DocumentBuilder
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

        // Step 3: parse the input file to get a Document object
        Document doc = db.parse(new File(filename));

The program also gives an example of using an error handler and of setting optional configuration options, such as validation. Finally, this program allows you to understand the DOM itself, because it prints out the structure and contents of a DOM tree.

SAX Program to Count Tags

The SAXTagCount program counts the number of "tags" AKA elements in an XML document. This example also shows one way to turn on validation and how to use a SAX ErrorHandler.

There are several ways to parse a document using SAX and JAXP. We show one approach in this example. The first step is to bootstrap a parser. There are two basic ways: one is to use only the SAX API, the other is to use the JAXP utility classes in the javax.xml.parsers package. We use the second approach here because it allows the application to use a platform default implementation without having to specify a system property. After bootstrapping, there are several ways to begin a parse. In this example, we use the SAX API.

Building XML Documents with DOM

Needs updating
This library includes basic support for building XML documents using the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) interfaces. A simple file, main.java, demonstrates

Using SAX Directly

Needs updating: This example uses deprecated SAX 1.0 classes.

Sometimes you need to use SAX directly. In this library, SAX is normally used in conjunction with DOM. However, you may wish to use SAX directly, perhaps to build a data structure fully customized to your application. A simple file, main.java, demonstrates

Try switching the default parser when you use this example, by setting the javax.xml.parsers.validation system property to true.

Text Transcoding

Needs updating
One of the features of XML is built in support for a wide variety of document character sets. All XML processors are required to support UTF-8 and UTF-16, and most support many more. As a rule, XML processors in Java support the entire range of character sets found in the JDK (well over 100 different ones!) both for input and for output.

This simple example shows how an XML document can be read and converted to use a different document encoding. (This is called transcoding. This can't be done with all text formats, since they weren't all specified to support labeling or autodetection of the document character set; XML does support this.

Read the source to this program to see how the encoding detection support of this parser can be used to support transcoding.