Java API for XML Processing

Version: 1.1ea (Early Access)

System Requirements

This version of the Java API for XML Processing requires:


  1. Download the ZIP/Install file.
  2. UnZip/Install the file.
  3. Update the CLASSPATH.
  4. You can either update the CLASSPATH variable to include the three jar files, or you can install the JAR files as an extension to Java 2.

    To update the CLASSPATH variable, add the following entry to the variable (where $XML is the base directory in which the XML library is installed):

    To install these JAR files as an extension of Java 2, copy them to the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory. (The JAVA_HOME directory is the one that contains bin/java.) This eliminates the need to modify class paths. (This technique may also be used with the Java Plug-in.)