street address (ST) ST street address (ST) other designation ST other designation city ST city state or province ST state or province zip or postal code ST zip or postal code country ID HL70399 country address type ID HL70190 address type other geographic designation ST other geographic designation authorization number ST authorization number date DT date source ST source when to charge code ID HL70100 when to charge code date/time TS date/time channel calibration sensitivity correction factor NM channel calibration sensitivity correction factor channel calibration baseline NM channel calibration baseline channel calibration time skew NM channel calibration time skew channel identifier WVI channel identifier waveform source WVS waveform source channel sensitivity/units CSU channel sensitivity/units channel calibration parameters CCP channel calibration parameters channel sampling frequency NM channel sampling frequency minimum/maximum data values NR minimum/maximum data values identifier (ST) ST identifier (ST) text ST text name of coding system IS HL70396 name of coding system alternate identifier (ST) ST alternate identifier (ST) alternate text ST alternate text name of alternate coding system IS HL70396 name of alternate coding system identifier (ID) ID identifier (ID) formatted text FT formatted text name of coding system IS HL70396 name of coding system alternate identifier (ID) ID alternate identifier (ID) alternate formatted text FT alternate formatted text name of alternate coding system IS HL70396 name of alternate coding system ID number (NM) NM ID number (NM) check digit NM check digit code identifying the check digit scheme employed ID HL70061 code identifying the check digit scheme employed assigning authority HD HL70363 assigning authority ID number (ST) ST ID number (ST) family name FN family name given name ST given name second and further given names or initials thereof ST second and further given names or initials thereof suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST suffix (e.g., JR or III) prefix (e.g., DR) ST prefix (e.g., DR) degree (e.g., MD) IS HL70360 degree (e.g., MD) source table IS HL70297 source table assigning authority HD assigning authority identifier (ST) ST identifier (ST) text ST text name of coding system IS HL70396 name of coding system alternate identifier (ST) ST alternate identifier (ST) alternate text ST alternate text name of alternate coding system IS HL70396 name of alternate coding system coding system version ID ST coding system version ID alternate coding system version ID ST alternate coding system version ID original text ST original text ID number (ST) ST ID number (ST) family name FN family name given name ST given name second and further given names or initials thereof ST second and further given names or initials thereof suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST suffix (e.g., JR or III) prefix (e.g., DR) ST prefix (e.g., DR) degree (e.g., MD) IS HL70360 degree (e.g., MD) source table IS HL70297 source table assigning authority namespace ID IS HL70363 assigning authority namespace ID assigning authority universal ID ST assigning authority universal ID assigning authority universal ID type ID HL70301 assigning authority universal ID type price MO price price type ID HL70205 price type from value NM from value to value NM to value range units CE range units range type ID HL70298 range type quantity NM quantity units CE units channel sensitivity NM channel sensitivity unit of measure identifier ST unit of measure identifier unit of measure description ST unit of measure description unit of measure coding system IS unit of measure coding system alternate unit of measure identifier ST alternate unit of measure identifier alternate unit of measure description ST alternate unit of measure description alternate unit of measure coding system IS alternate unit of measure coding system identifier (ST) ST identifier (ST) text ST text name of coding system IS HL70396 name of coding system alternate identifier (ST) ST alternate identifier (ST) alternate text ST alternate text name of alternate coding system IS HL70396 name of alternate coding system coding system version ID ST coding system version ID alternate coding system version ID ST alternate coding system version ID original text ST original text ID ST ID check digit NM check digit code identifying the check digit scheme employed ID HL70061 code identifying the check digit scheme employed assigning authority HD assigning authority identifier type code (ID) ID HL70203 identifier type code (ID) assigning facility HD assigning facility effective date (DT) DT effective date (DT) expiration date DT expiration date delay days NM delay days amount NM amount number of days NM number of days date TS date institution name CE institution name discharge location ID discharge location effective date TS effective date Driver's License Number ST Driver's License Number Issuing State, province, country IS HL70333 Issuing State, province, country expiration date DT expiration date Range NR Range numeric threshold NM numeric threshold change computation ST change computation length of time-days NM length of time-days range start date/time TS range start date/time range end date/time TS range end date/time day type IS HL70149 day type number of days NM number of days source application HD source application type of data ID HL70191 type of data data ID HL70291 data encoding ID HL70299 encoding data ST data entity identifier ST entity identifier namespace ID IS HL70300 namespace ID universal ID ST universal ID universal ID type ID HL70301 universal ID type parent's placer order number EI parent's placer order number parent's filler order number EI parent's filler order number segment ID ST segment ID sequence NM sequence field position NM field position code identifying error CE code identifying error Financial Class IS HL70064 Financial Class Effective Date (TS) TS Effective Date (TS) surname ST surname own surname prefix ST own surname prefix own surname ST own surname surname prefix from partner/spouse ST surname prefix from partner/spouse surname from partner/spouse ST surname from partner/spouse namespace ID IS HL70300 namespace ID universal ID ST universal ID universal ID type ID HL70301 universal ID type job code IS HL70327 job code job class IS HL70328 job class point of care (IS) IS point of care (IS) room IS HL70303 room bed IS HL70304 bed facility (HD) HD facility (HD) location status IS HL70306 location status person location type IS HL70305 person location type building IS HL70307 building floor IS HL70308 floor address AD address point of care (IS) IS point of care (IS) room IS HL70303 room bed IS HL70304 bed facility (HD) HD facility (HD) location status IS HL70306 location status person location type IS HL70305 person location type building IS HL70307 building floor IS HL70308 floor street address (ST) ST street address (ST) other designation ST other designation city ST city state or province ST state or province zip or postal code ST zip or postal code country ID HL70399 country address type ID HL70190 address type other geographic designation ST other geographic designation sample 1 from channel 1 NM sample 1 from channel 1 sample 1 from channel 2 NM sample 1 from channel 2 sample 1 from channel 3 NM sample 1 from channel 3 sample 1 from channel 4 NM sample 1 from channel 4 sample 1 from channel 5 NM sample 1 from channel 5 sample 1 from channel 6 NM sample 1 from channel 6 quantity NM quantity denomination ID denomination dollar amount MO dollar amount charge code CE charge code money or percentage indicator IS HL70148 money or percentage indicator money or percentage quantity NM money or percentage quantity message type ID HL70076 message type trigger event ID HL70003 trigger event message structure ID HL70354 message structure value1 NM value1 value2 NM value2 value3 NM value3 value4 NM value4 name CNN name start date/time TS start date/time end date/time TS end date/time point of care (IS) IS point of care (IS) room IS HL70303 room bed IS HL70304 bed facility (HD) HD facility (HD) location status IS HL70306 location status person location type IS HL70305 person location type building IS HL70307 building floor IS HL70308 floor Low Value NM Low Value High Value NM High Value occurrence code IS occurrence code occurrence date DT occurrence date sequence/results flag ID sequence/results flag placer order number: entity identifier ST placer order number: entity identifier placer order number: namespace ID IS placer order number: namespace ID filler order number: entity identifier ST filler order number: entity identifier filler order number: namespace ID IS filler order number: namespace ID sequence condition value ST sequence condition value maximum number of repeats NM maximum number of repeats placer order number: universal ID ST placer order number: universal ID placer order number; universal ID type ID placer order number; universal ID type filler order number: universal ID ST filler order number: universal ID filler order number: universal ID type ID filler order number: universal ID type occurrence span code CE occurrence span code occurrence span start date DT occurrence span start date occurrence span stop date DT occurrence span stop date pre-certification patient type IS HL70150 pre-certification patient type pre-certification required ID HL70136 pre-certification required pre-certification window TS pre-certification window ID number (ST) ST ID number (ST) type of ID number (IS) IS type of ID number (IS) other qualifying info ST other qualifying info privilege CE privilege privilege class CE privilege class expiration date DT expiration date activation date DT activation date facility (EI) EI facility (EI) point of care IS HL70302 point of care room IS HL70303 room bed IS HL70304 bed facility (HD) HD HL70300 facility (HD) location status IS HL70306 location status person location type IS HL70305 person location type building IS HL70307 building floor IS HL70308 floor Location description ST Location description ID number (ST) ST ID number (ST) type of ID number (IS) IS type of ID number (IS) state/other qualifying info ST state/other qualifying info expiration date DT expiration date family name FN family name given name ST given name second and further given names or initials thereof ST second and further given names or initials thereof suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST suffix (e.g., JR or III) prefix (e.g., DR) ST prefix (e.g., DR) degree (e.g., MD) IS HL70360 degree (e.g., MD) ID number (ST) ST ID number (ST) family name FN family name given name ST given name second and further given names or initials thereof ST second and further given names or initials thereof suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST suffix (e.g., JR or III) prefix (e.g., DR) ST prefix (e.g., DR) degree (e.g., MD) IS HL70360 degree (e.g., MD) source table IS HL70297 source table assigning authority HD HL70363 assigning authority name type code ID HL70200 name type code identifier check digit ST identifier check digit code identifying the check digit scheme employed ID HL70061 code identifying the check digit scheme employed identifier type code (IS) IS identifier type code (IS) assigning facility HD assigning facility Date/Time Action Performed TS Date/Time Action Performed Name Representation code ID HL70465 Name Representation code name context CE HL70448 name context name validity range DR name validity range name assembly order ID HL70444 name assembly order OBX-3 observation identifier of parent result CE OBX-3 observation identifier of parent result OBX-4 sub-ID of parent result ST OBX-4 sub-ID of parent result part of OBX-5 observation result from parent TX part of OBX-5 observation result from parent processing ID ID HL70103 processing ID processing mode ID HL70207 processing mode policy type IS HL70147 policy type amount class IS HL70193 amount class amount NM amount segment field name ST segment field name value1&value2&value3 ST value1&value2&value3 segment field name ST segment field name relational operator ID HL70209 relational operator Value ST Value relational conjunction ID HL70210 relational conjunction segment field name ST segment field name HL7 date type ST HL70440 HL7 date type maximum column width NM maximum column width numeric range NR numeric range administrative sex IS administrative sex age range NR age range gestational range NR gestational range species TX species race/subspecies ST race/subspecies conditions TX conditions repeat pattern IS HL70335 repeat pattern explicit time interval ST explicit time interval room type IS HL70145 room type amount type IS HL70146 amount type coverage amount NM coverage amount pointer ST pointer application ID HD application ID type of data ID HL70191 type of data subtype ID HL70291 subtype street or mailing address ST street or mailing address street name ST street name dwelling number ST dwelling number parameter class IS parameter class parameter value ST HL70294 parameter value comparator ST comparator num1 NM num1 separator/suffix ST separator/suffix num2 NM num2 specialty name ST specialty name governing board ST governing board eligible or certified ID eligible or certified date of certification DT date of certification specimen source name or code CE HL70070 specimen source name or code additives TX additives freetext TX freetext body site CE HL70163 body site site modifier CE site modifier collection modifier method code CE collection modifier method code specimen role CE HL70369 specimen role sort-by field ST sort-by field sequencing ID HL70397 sequencing quantity CQ quantity interval RI interval duration ST duration start date/time TS start date/time end date/time TS end date/time priority ST priority condition ST condition text (TX) TX text (TX) conjunction component ID HL70472 conjunction component order sequencing OSD order sequencing occurrence duration CE occurrence duration total occurences NM total occurences time of an event ST time of an event degree of precision ST degree of precision ??????????? TX HL70256 ??????????? ??????????? TX HL70257 ??????????? value code IS HL70153 value code value amount NM value amount start day range ID HL70267 start day range end day range ID HL70267 end day range start hour range TM start hour range end hour range TM end hour range version ID ID HL70104 version ID internationalization code CE HL70399 internationalization code international version ID CE international version ID first data code value ST first data code value Last data code calue ST Last data code calue Channel Number NM Channel Number Channel Name ST Channel Name source name 1 ST source name 1 source name 2 ST source name 2 street address (SAD) SAD street address (SAD) other designation ST other designation city ST city state or province ST state or province zip or postal code ST zip or postal code country ID HL70399 country address type ID HL70190 address type other geographic designation ST other geographic designation county/parish code IS HL70289 county/parish code census tract IS HL70288 census tract address representation code ID HL70465 address representation code address validity range DR address validity range ID number (ST) ST ID number (ST) family name FN family name given name ST given name second and further given names or initials thereof ST second and further given names or initials thereof suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST suffix (e.g., JR or III) prefix (e.g., DR) ST prefix (e.g., DR) degree (e.g., MD) IS HL70360 degree (e.g., MD) source table IS HL70297 source table assigning authority HD assigning authority name type code ID HL70200 name type code identifier check digit ST identifier check digit code identifying the check digit scheme employed ID HL70061 code identifying the check digit scheme employed identifier type code (IS) IS identifier type code (IS) assigning facility HD assigning facility Name Representation code ID HL70465 Name Representation code name context CE HL70448 name context name validity range DR name validity range name assembly order ID HL70444 name assembly order organization name ST organization name organization name type code IS HL70204 organization name type code ID number (NM) NM ID number (NM) check digit NM check digit code identifying the check digit scheme employed ID HL70061 code identifying the check digit scheme employed assigning authority HD assigning authority identifier type code (IS) IS identifier type code (IS) assigning facility ID HD HL70300 assigning facility ID Name Representation code ID HL70465 Name Representation code family name FN family name given name ST given name second and further given names or initials thereof ST second and further given names or initials thereof suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST suffix (e.g., JR or III) prefix (e.g., DR) ST prefix (e.g., DR) degree (e.g., MD) IS HL70360 degree (e.g., MD) name type code ID HL70200 name type code Name Representation code ID HL70465 Name Representation code name context CE HL70448 name context name validity range DR name validity range name assembly order ID HL70444 name assembly order [(999)] 999-9999 [X99999][C any text] TN [(999)] 999-9999 [X99999][C any text] telecommunication use code ID HL70201 telecommunication use code telecommunication equipment type (ID) ID HL70202 telecommunication equipment type (ID) Email address ST Email address Country Code NM Country Code Area/city code NM Area/city code Phone number NM Phone number Extension NM Extension any text ST any text